The National Law School of India University in association with Trilegal is pleased to announce that registrations for the XVI National Law School Trilegal International Arbitration Moot (NLSTIAM) are now open!
NLSTIAM is the flagship Arbitration Moot of the National Law School of India University, Bangalore which is in its XVI edition. The National Law School Trilegal International Arbitration Conference (NLSTIAC), which happens alongside the Moot, is in its IV edition. The conference gives a unique opportunity to students, researchers, arbitration professionals, lawyers, and corporate firms to engage on contemporary issues impacting international arbitration in the ever- evolving legal and economic environment. Moreover, the participants get the opportunity to engage with arbitration experts, academics, and professionals on these important themes.
Please click on the link to find out more about.
About the Organizers
The Moot Court Society (“MCS”) is NLSIU’s student committee entrusted with the responsibility of administering and facilitating all mooting related activities at the University and upholding the high standards of excellence that NLS has set for itself in the field of mooting. One of our primary roles is to plan, organize and execute The National Law School-Trilegal International Arbitration Moot (“NLSTIAM”) and the National Law School-Trilegal International Arbitration Conference (“NLSTIAC”).
The Competition is open to all students, enrolled bona-fide on a regular basis in an Undergraduate/Post Graduate law course (including LL.M. programs) or its equivalent conducted by any recognized institution.
A recognized institution shall be entitled to send only one team to the competition.
In a system where a university has constituent colleges, each college can register a team or the university as such can be represented by a team comprising students from different constituent colleges.
Schedule/ Important Dates
- Problem Release and Opening of Registrations – 28 January, 2023.
- Deadline for Registration and Clarifications – 21 February, 2023.
- Deadline for Fees Payment for Indian Teams – 25 February, 2023.
- Deadline for Fees Payment for Foreign Teams – 1 March, 2023.
- Deadline for Memorial Submission – 21 March, 2023.
- Release of Memorial Qualifier Results – Week 2, April, 2023.
- XVI NLS – Trilegal International Arbitration Moot – 18 – 21 May, 2023.
- IV NLS – Trilegal International Arbitration Conference – 18 May, 2023.
Please click on the link to find the Moot Schedule.
Moot Problem
Please click on the link to find the Moot Problem for the competition.
Rules of the Competition
Please click on the link to find the rules of the competition.
Registration Procedure
Each team shall register for the moot by filling the online registration form before 21st February 2023. The teams are strongly encouraged to complete the registration form at the earliest possible.
While filling the registration form, the teams have to choose a primary contact person. All communications concerning the Moot will be sent by e-mail to the nominated contact person. It is that person’s responsibility to convey all relevant information and distribute all relevant material to the team. Changes in contact details of the nominated persons, if any, must be duly communicated to the Administrators
For knowing the detailed registration procedure, please click on the link to the rules of the competition.
Contact Details
Please contact Mouli Kaushal Jain (Convenor, MCS) +91 9826387687 or Arth Doshi (Joint-Convenor, MCS) +91 7567556405 for any queries.
For More Details Click HERE