About the Competition
The Stetson International Environmental Moot Court, Surana & Surana India Rounds will be judged by legal professionals, practitioners, and academicians, who have prior experience and/or exposure to the fields of International Law and Environmental Law. This shall provide participating students with the unique opportunity to interact individuals from the field and network with their future colleagues during their practice.
All participating teams shall be offered an unparalleled opportunity to present their arguments before renowned legal practitioners and academicians in the field of International Environmental Law, some of whom have excelled internationally at previous editions of the Stetson International Moot. Along with outstanding judges, the quality of participating teams at the India National Rounds is also of an exceptionally high standard.
Team Composition
The 2020 – 21 Stetson (India) will have a single National Round. The competition will be held in
English language.
Each team can have two speakers and one researcher. Not more than two additional members (total 5) may be part of a team. Additional members will not participate in the proceedings. All members will be awarded participation certificates. Additional members will be given only participation certificates, even if their teams win in any category.
b. Team Participating in the India National Rounds from the Host School will be guided by Rule B. 2 (a – d) of the International Rules.
c. IMPORTANT – Only 3 members each from the top teams shall be eligible to participate in the International rounds. Teams that have up to 5 members in the India National rounds cannot claim the right to participate in the International rounds for the additional members. Teams are required to mention clearly the name of the additional members in the registration form. Please read International Round Rules carefully.
d. Only two team members may present arguments or otherwise participate in any particular round (all three may argue during the competition, but only two may argue in any particular round).
e. Institutions that are using the Stetson 2020-21 Compromise in the selection rounds for choosing the participants of India National rounds may inform the National Administrator about the number of teams / members that participated in the selection rounds. (Refer to IEMCC Rules J. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Use of Problem)
i. Online registrations will be open from 2nd November 2020. Teams must register online latest by 25 November 2020 at www.moot.in. Participants will receive an approval as confirmation of their online registration & participation from time to time as and when they register. There is no registration / participation fee for Surana & Surana India National Rounds.
ii. A scanned copy of the approval letter duly signed by any of the following: Faculty-in-charge of MCS/MCA, Registrar, Principal, Dean, Director, Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor on the letter head of the participating college/ institution / University is required to be uploaded during the online registration process. The letter must contain names, year/semester of study of the participants. Alternatively, teams may get the signature of any of the aforementioned persons under their official seal on the registration form itself appended below. Registrations without the registration form / approval letter from the college / institution / University as mentioned above is not valid.
iii. In addition to the online registration as mentioned above, teams must ensure that duly filled in scanned form/letter is electronically mailed to Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat, Haryana, latest by 25 Nov 2020 with subject “SURANA & SURANA-STETSON MOOT 4 of 6 2020-21 REGISTRATION”. Address for communication is same as mentioned in Rule 4, “The Co-Host & Schedule”.
Email registration form / approval letter to: [email protected]
For The Rules Click HERE
For The Clarifications Click HERE