About the University:
The ICFAI University, Jharkhand is a part of ICFAI Group, well known for its quality of education and ethics. It is the first Private University that was set up in Jharkhand, as per the State Legislative Act and is recognized by UGC, as per Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956. The University offers a range of Under-Graduate, Post-Graduate and Doctoral Programs in Engineering, IT, Law and Management disciplines.
About the Faculty of Law:
The Faculty of Law – FOL, a constituent of the ICFAI University, Jharkhand with an objective of developing a new generation of legal professionals through comprehensive and contemporary body of knowledge in integrating law with management. FOL offers BBA-LL.B (Hons.) and LL.B programs. The Faculty of law, ICFAI University Jharkhand is dedicated to serve and committed towards the overall development of students by emphasizing on various extra-curricular activities and assigns a significant role to moot courts. By following the standards of absolute impartiality, transparency and efficiency, it strives to not only organize but also motivate the students to participate in the moot court competitions and we intend that these kinds of extra circular activities would also help the students in practical court of law.
About the Moot Competition:
The Moot Proposition is based on Cyber Law. The problem also covers all aspects of Data Privacy and Contemporary changes took place regarding regulation of Data.
Students of three-year or five-year integrated law degree or of post graduate law courses from any University/ Law School/ College/ Department are eligible to participate in the Competition. Two teams can participate from the same University/ Law School/ College/ Department.
The official language for the Moot Court Competition shall be English only.
Participation & Registration Procedure:
The teams interested in participating are required to confirm their participation by filling up the Google form. To register: https://forms.gle/5io1UAAMncrLESsF8.
The last date of registration is December 10th 2021 (11:59 P.M.).
Registration Fee:
Each Participating Team is required to pay INR 1000/- (One Thousand Rupees) towards Registration via online account transfer.
Payment Procedure:
The Registration Fee is required to be transferred to the below mentioned Bank Account:
Account No. –50200000250955
Type of account- Current Account
Name of account-THE ICFAI UNIVERSITY JHARKHAND Fee Collection A/C
Name of bank- HDFC Bank
IFSC Code- HDFC0000150
Structure of the Competition:
The Competition shall be conducted for three days from 18th December, 2021 to 20thDecember, 2021.
The timeline of the event is attached herein above.
The Competition shall consist of the following Oral Pleading Sessions:
- The Preliminary Rounds
- The Quarter Final Rounds
- The Semi-Final Rounds
- The Final Round
- Winning Team Award – The winning Team will receive a cash prize and each member will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
- Runner-Up Team Award –The runner-up Team will receive a cash prize and each member will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
- Award for the Best Speaker – The Best Speaker will receive a cash prize and a Certificate of Achievement.
- Award for the Best Memorial – The Team will receive a cash prize and each member will receive a Certificate of Achievement
Important Dates:
- Last Date for Registration: 10th December 2021.
- Last Date for Seeking Clarification: 12th December 2021.
- Submission of Memorandum & Compendium: 15th December 2021.
- Inaugural Ceremony, Draw of lots & Oral Rounds- Prelims: 18th December 2021.
- Quarter Finals & Semi Final Rounds: 19th December 2021.
- Final Round & Valedictory Ceremony: 20th December 2021.
For any clarifications and further query, feel free to connect,
Contact info:
Student Coordinator
Mr. Ashok Ranjan +917250045669 S
Saurav Kr. Vardwaj +917970417001
Email Id: [email protected]
For More Details Click HERE