The Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL), Punjab, was established by the State Legislature of Punjab by passing the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab Act, 2006(Punjab Act No. 12 of 2006). The Act incorporated a University of Law of national stature inPunjab, to fulfill the need for a Centre of Excellence in legal education in the modern era ofglobalization and liberalization. The University was accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NationalAssessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2015. RGNUL, Punjab was granted autonomyunder UGC Regulations, Clause 5 Dimensions of Autonomy for Category-II Universities in April2018.The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, ranked RGNUL thefirst amongst the cleanest Higher Educational Institutions, Swachh Campus (2019) in the categoryof Government Residential Universities.The major Objective of the RGNUL, Punjab states, “Ourendeavour is to serve the society through reforms in legal services by way of preparing professionally competent lawyers, inquisitive researchers, able administrators, conscientious judicial officers, and above all, socially responsible citizens, who shall be whole- heartedly andcontinuously engaged in the process of nation building.”
The University has set up seventeen centres of research. These include, Centre for Advanced Study in Criminal Law (CASCL); Centre for Consumer Protection Law and Advocacy (CCPLA); Centre for Advanced Study in International Humanitarian Law (CASH); Centre for Advaced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR); Centre for Advanced Studies in Labour Welfare (CASLW),Centre for Environmental Legal Studies (CELS), Centre for Advanced Studies inEnergy Laws (CASEL),Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR), Centre forConstitutional Law and Governance (CCLG), Centre for Criminology, Criminal Justice andVictimology (CCV), Centre for Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights (CIIPR) and Centrefor Business Laws and Taxation (CBLT). School of Agricultural Law and Economics (SALE);School of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (SSSIS); RGNUL Institute for CompetitiveExamination (RICE) and Directorate of Distance Education (DODE) have also been established.The objective of these Centres is to undertake advanced study and research in the emerging areasof the respective fields, independently or in collaboration with professional institutions at thenational or international levels; to bring about publications and produce study material in therespective fields of knowledge; organize seminars, workshops and conferences on contemporaryand significant issues. IGNOU School of Law is also functional at RGNUL.
The University has instituted a Legal Aid Clinic under the aegis of Punjab Legal Services Authority. The RGNUL Legal Aid Clinic, established in 2011, has a Strong Paralegal VolunteerForce of 110 members consisting of Advocates, Faculty members and students in general.
RGNUL, Punjab is member of a number of professional organizations of national and international stature like the Asian Law Institute (ASLI); Association of CommonwealthUniversities; Association of Indian Universities; Commonwealth Legal Education Association(ASIA); Consumer Guidance Society of India; DELNET (Development Library Network); Forumof South Asian Clinical Law Teachers; IASLIC (Indian association of Special Library and Information Centre); Indian Association of Social Science Institution; Indian Academy of SocialSciences (ISSA); Indian Commerce Association; Indian Economic Association; Indian Institute ofComparative Law; Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA); Indian Law Institute(ILI);Indian Society of Criminology; Indian Society of International Law (ISIL); International Association of Law Schools and Shastri Indo-CanadianInstitute(SICI).
The Punjab Pollution Control Board was constituted in the year 1975 vide Punjab Government Notification No. 6186-BR II (4) 75/24146 dated 30.07.1975, after the enactment of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 to preserve the wholesomeness of water. Subsequently, with the enactment of other environmental laws, the responsibility to implement the provisions of such laws was also entrusted to the Punjab Pollution Control Board in the State of Punjab.
The Pollution Prevention and Control Board (PPCB) plays a crucial role through various important functions. Firstly, it devises comprehensive programs aimed at preventing, controlling, or abating pollution, ensuring their effective implementation. Additionally, the PPCB is responsible for the collection and dissemination of information pertaining to pollution and its prevention, control, or abatement. It conducts inspections of sewage, trade effluent treatment and disposal facilities, as well as air pollution control systems, while also reviewing plans and specifications related to these systems in connection with granted consents. The board actively supports and encourages developments in pollution control, waste recycling, reuse, and the adoption of eco-friendly practices. Furthermore, it is dedicated to educating and guiding entrepreneurs in enhancing the environment by recommending suitable pollution control technologies and techniques. Finally, the PPCB is committed to creating public awareness about maintaining a clean and healthy environment, and it addresses public complaints related to pollution issues.
The department of Sociology at RGNUL, Punjab was established in 2013. The subject of Sociology has been taught in the institution from the year 2006. Presently, the department runs six (6) papers of Sociology Major (for first to sixth semester) and Three (3) papers of Sociology Minor (for first, second and fourth semester) for all the batches. The department has been organizing various events of national as well as international level. Many seminars, conferences and training programmes have been organized by the faculty of the department from time to time. Series of lecture are also organized by inviting professionals from various fields of social sciences. The Objective of the department is overall development of the students inclusive of academic growth and psychological health. Various sessions of counseling are held by the faculty of the department to address social issues affecting the students in order to empower them socially to deal with the challenging social situations efficaciously. The department of Sociology is committed to undertake academics and research in order to produce functional results for the society and various communities.
Change is inevitable in nature and implication. When the alterations occur in the social structures, social systems, social institutions and organization, they effect and influence al the communities. Further, all the changes taking place in different communities are not same; somewhere these changes are functional and in some instances, these changes lead to devastations and adversities. When we talk about communities, we can refer to gender; old aged people; youth; children; literate and illiterate people; rural and urban dichotomy and the like. The planned National Conference aims at understanding the impact of Social Change and Development on Youth as a prominent community. It also aims to explore how the youth is contributing to the developmental processes and policies. ‘Youth’ is the future of any nation and it needs to be invested in, in terms of physical as well as mental health; education; employability; happiness indexing; social security; spiritual strength; secondary and professional socialization; capacity building and skill development; and the like. The world is noticing suicide in youth as a major issue, and India is not any exception. Youth unrest is one such social issue which is creating a vicious circle of deviance, criminality and oppression. This vicious circle traps youth in corrupt and anti-social practices in many cases. Lack of sex education during the years of primary as well as secondary education is resulting into devastating developments in the mind oriented to sexuality; which is reflected in the conflicts occurring between the social processes like modernization and westernization and the traditional value structures. The confusions resulting out of such conflicts need to be addressed, without which the youth easily gets misguided and dragged either to anti-social behavioural patterns or to withdrawal from society; a very dangerous mental state ‘Alienation’. Youth and its traits, issues, and challenged need to be understood and responded to, with an interdisciplinary approach; which can pave a functional way for bringing this community to the platform of sustainable development and growth.
The proposed conference plans to invite experts from all the social sciences (Sociology; Law; History; Political Science; Psychology; Anthropology; Economics; Public Administration and the like) and Humanities also. the main agenda is to design and propose logically workable policy documents to be submitted to governments on state as well as central level; which shall mainly aim to create a scenario where mental health of youth is taken as a paramount concern and the policy making is done by the government accordingly. Several books shall be published after making judicious selection of the research paper/s and article/s submitted and presented for the conference. Some papers carrying rational thought and impressive structurte along with ‘originality’ shall be published in reputed peer reviewed journals being run by Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, Patiala.
ENVIRONMENT (Natural & Social):
- “Moral Shifts and Legal Dynamics: Examining the Ripple Effect ofChanging Moral Norms on the Legal Environment”
- Disease Burden and the drastic factor of ‘Age’ of Death
- Agrarian Protests and the Role of Youth: Analysis of the Repercussions
- Natural Environment and Youth: Exploring the Connections
- Balancing the Scales of Youth Health: Unraveling the Interplay between Disease Burden, Climate Change, Environmental Degradation, and HeartHealth
- Fostering Sustainable Futures: The Interconnected Challenges of DiseaseBurden in Youth amidst Climate Change and Environmental Degradation
- Adolescent Health at a Crossroads: Navigating the Intersection of DiseaseBurden in Youth and the Impacts of Climate Change
- Green Spaces and health (physical as well as mental) of the Young persons
- Impact of Social Processes (Westernization; Urbanization; Modernization and Globalization) on youth and their choices
- Empowering Youth with Disabilities: Addressing Learning-RelatedChallenges in Academic Institutions and Exploring Solutions
- Freelancing and Economic Development of Youth
- Education Policy; Pedagogy and Curriculum in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
- Nurturing Constitutional Morality in Youth: A Prerequisite for Political and Institutional Advancement in a Diverse Society
- Impact of the School curriculum on Personality Building: Explorationand Resolution
- Navigating the Policy Maze: Identifying and Rectifying Legal and PolicyLacunas Affecting Youth Welfare
- Revamping Education: Integrating Psychological Well-being intoPedagogy for Holistic Youth Development
- Empowering the Economic Future: Advancing Financial LiteracyPrograms to Equip Youth for Financial Success
- Inclusive Education: Bridging Educational Disparities for Youth fromMarginalized Backgrounds Institutional Empowerment: AdvancingDiversity and Inclusion through Youth Scholarship Programs AcrossReligious Sects
- The Scholastic Significance of ChatGPT: A Double-Edged Sword in Student Academic Journeys? Regulations on Aspects of Social Life ofYouth in Secondary and Higher Education Institutions
- Youth Empowerment and the POCSO Act: Protecting Minors and EnsuringJustice Ragging, Bullying, Depression and Students Suicides
- Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction
- Sex Crimes
- Suicides in Youth
- Racial profiling by the criminal justice system, and its perilous consequenceson youth
- Youth Unrest: Understanding Reasons and Proposing Resolutions
- Unveiling the Dark Trade: Human Trafficking in the Bride Market
- Hate Crimes and the Youth of India
- Juvenile Delinquency
- Lack of patience, Rage and Delinquency in Youth
- Socio-Legal matrix of Community Conflicts: Highlighting an exigency for alaw addressing hate crimes for helping implicated Youth
- The Diminishing Realm of Privacy: Safeguarding Youth Privacy AmidstRapid Technological Advancements
- Terrorism and the Youth
HEALTH (Physical & Mental):
- Issues related to Fertility
- Gender and Youth
- Identity Crisis and Youth
- Striving for Athletic Excellence: Resolving Sports InfrastructureInsufficiency for Empowering Youth Athletes
- Epidemiological Shifts: Investigating the Growing Disease Burden in YouthCaused by Climate Change and Its Societal Implications
- Fostering Cardiovascular Well-being in Youth: Exploring the Burden ofDisease and Promoting Heart Health
- Sexuality and Sex Education
- Investigating the Complexity of Gender Identities: A ComprehensiveExamination of Homosexuality and Its Role in the Evolving Spectrum of Gender
- Decriminalization of Homosexuality
- Moral; and Economic Utility in Capability Approach as a Foundation forYouth Welfare Policies Physiological sphere for addressing personalidentities in Youth burgeoning of a wider perspective on Sexual orientations and Identities in Youth
- Cultural Synthesis: The Practical Application of Judaic EconomicPrinciples in the Dynamic Landscape of Indian Culture
- Moral Turpitude in Contemporary Culture: The Complex Interplayof Moral Development and Its Effects on Youth and Society
- Disentangling the Moral Web: Addressing the Societal Exigency forSeparating Religion from Moral Values
- Role of Spiritualism; Spiritual leaders/ Gurus; and Institutionsrendering Spiritual Training in mentoring Youth
- Youth in Flux: A Multifaceted Analysis of Cultural and LifestyleShifts Impacting Quality of Life and Socioeconomic Standards
- Religion and Youth; Understanding Mutuality and Contradictions
- Faulty/ Inadequate parenting and its Impact on PersonalityDevelopment
- Generation Gap: Describing the Changes in relationships betweenYouth and the Elderly Ones Sustainable Development;
- HumanDevelopment; Social Development and the Youth in India Generation Gap
- Digital Divide
- The Impact of the Rural-Urban Dichotomy on Development andProgress of the Youth Role of Social Media in Life of the Young
- Confusions regarding Modernity and the Cultural Clash
- Religious Determinism and Criminality in Youth
- Political Instability and Vote Banking
- Political Will in context of the Pandemic and Infrastructural Changes in the lives of youth Legal and Judicial scenario in the Context of Privacy, Freedom and Rights.
- Youth Politics in Educational Institutions: Students’ Unions,Capitalist Culture, and Nepotism Radicalization of Youth
- Role of Youth in Social Movements and its Futuristic Impact
I. Relevance to Conference Theme: The participants must note that the list of sub- themes given above is not exhaustive. All submitted research papers/ articles/ blogs must closely align with the central theme of the conference to ensure thematic coherence. The delegates and participants can author papers/ articles/ blogs on any sub-theme/s other than those mentioned in the above categories. The papers should compulsorily be related to the ‘Youth’.
II.Submission Deadline:
1. Submission of the Abstract: 15th March, 2024
2.Submission of the Manuscript (paper/ article/ blog after acceptance mail): 25th March, 2024
3. Registration Deadline: 17th April 2024, 11: 59 P.M.
In case of relevant emergencies, the deadlines shall be treated flexibly.
III. Abstract:
1. The Abstract being submitted by the author/s should be inclusive of the author/s
names, email addresses, contact numbers, and their respective professional designations for ease of communication and author identification. kindly rechech your email id again one before you send the same; since if the correct one is not sent it might result into communication gap between the participants and the organising team. The Abstract must be inclusive of the idea about the theme; research methodology; objectives of the research; findings and the suggestions in brief. the length of the Abstract may vary between 300 to 500 words approximately.
IV.Word Limit:
1. For full-length research papers and articles: 3000 – 7000 words
2. Blogs: 1500-2500 words
3. All submissions and correspondence are to be directed /sent to the given email id: [email protected]
V. Document Formatting: Manuscripts should be meticulously formatted with Times New Roman font, Font Size 12, on A4 size paper, featuring a uniform 1″ margin on all sides. Text should be formatted with 1.5 line spacing. Microsoft Word is the preferred format for document creation. The reference and citation patter must be Bluebook (21st Edition).
VI. Publication : The University reserves the right to exercise discretion in selecting and publishing papers , depending on the similarity index (plagiarism check) and the relevance of the theme selected by the authors.
VII. All the papers/ articles/blogs being submitted on the final date, must be accompanied by the plagiarism check/ similarity report (derived from any rational platform for checking the same). As per the UGC guidelines, the percentage should not exceed 10%. Only the papers and articles adhering to this guideline shall be considered for the process of publication and final publication also. Selected papers shall be published in Books in multiple Volumes carrying ISBN and in various journals (peer reviewed ) being run by different Research Centres of the university. The papers submitted in time shall be considered for the publication of the book/s to be published and released on the Inaugural Session of the event.
VIII. Committed efforts shall be made to publish one Volume of Book (with selected papers) in Braille to respect the dedication of the Specially Abled persons participating in the Conference. If one or more authors submitting are Specially Abled persons, they are required to mention the same in an e-mail to [email protected] (use this email id for all the related correspondence)
- Online Participants (same for students, professionals, academicians and others) – ₹708/- (inclusive of GST) per head
- Offline participants – ₹1180/- (inclusive of GST) for Professionals and ₹708/- for Students.
- Co-authorship is limited to three authors maximum for one manuscript. Each author shall pay the Registration Fee separately.
- Payment link can be accessed here:- https://lsacademia.in/lsa_rgnul/eventPortal/loginFrom.jsp
- Three best papers from all the submissions shall be selected by the organising committee and the Author/s shall be awarded Rs. 5000/- for their paper.
- One paper presentation shall be selected from every business session of the seminar and the Author/s shall receive an additional certificate for the best paper presentation.
- One special paper which would be chosen by the experts would be rewarded a Business Premium Linkedin pass worth rupees 36000/- by our partner Aadi Foundation.
- Note: This shall be done for papers presented during the offline sessions only.
- We request for ‘in-person’ attendance and participation, which shall surely give more meaning to the conference and shall help all do develop network for future events.
- Submission of the Abstract: 15th March, 2024
- Acceptance mails on Rolling Basis
- Final Submission of Papers: 25th March, 2024
- Immediate registration after finalisation of abstract is recommended
- Offline Sessions: 25th April, 2024
- Online Sessions: 26th April, 2024
For More Details Click HERE