About The Constitutional Law Society
The Constitutional Law Society (CLS) of National Law University Odisha was established in 2018 with a vision to provide a platform for public discourse and deliberation vis-à-vis Constitutional Law. It seeks to supplement an accessible forum for intellectual discourse and shape the discussion of the most important and relevant issues of constitutional law through meticulous scholarship, public lectures and seminars, and research through independent projects, conferences, and cooperation with other institutions and individuals engaged in constitutional study. Further, it endeavours through the course of its activities to foster awareness about the subject and its importance. The purpose behind the establishment of the Society is to generate debate and dialogue on various nuances of the subject of Constitutional Law. The activities undertaken by the committee aim at enabling the students to have a holistic understanding of constitutional principles and constitutional jurisprudence.
Overview of the Institution
National Law University Odisha, Cuttack was established with the vision of advancement of learning, teaching, research, diffusion of knowledge in the field of law and catering to the needs of society by developing the professional skills of those intending to take up the professions of Advocacy, Judicial Services, Legal services, and so on. The University is committed to providing an atmosphere in which academic excellence is the foremost priority for students. Along the lines of this vision, NLUO has significantly catered to the needs of research in various legal fields by paving way for various dedicated research centers and student committees. The Constitutional Law Society is one such initiative of NLUO which aims at promoting the study, research and informed deliberation in the field of Constitutional Laws, and its allied subjects with a policy and application-oriented purpose.
Background to the Theme
The Guest Lecture is focused on analyzing the State of Legal Education in India, encompassing the aspects of social relevance and inclusivity. The structure of Legal Education has seen significant changes to cater to the emerging needs of industry and has adopted modern curricular and pedagogic processes. The establishment of 1st integrated 5-year legal curriculum in 1987 by Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon is one of the biggest steps in this direction. Despite several developments, Legal Education in the country is far from achieving the desired goal.
More details about this in the concept note attached herewith.
About our Panelists:
Mr. Rahul Bajaj is a Senior Associate Fellow, Partnerships, in the Research Director’s Office. He manages Vidhi’s partnerships with academic institutions, think-tanks, and other mutually beneficial partnerships. He also works on developing grassroot networks and collaborative partnerships in select areas of Vidhi’s work. He is responsible for coordinating research work in the Research Director’s Office, on Vidhi’s research projects related to COVID-19. Rahul studied law at the University of Nagpur, graduating as the gold medalist in the university. After working at Trilegal, Delhi’s disputes practice for a year, he pursued his postgraduate legal education at the University of Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar. On returning to India, Rahul clerked for Supreme Court judge D. Y. Chandrachud before joining Vidhi.
Husain Aanis Khan is a Research Fellow with the Legal Design and Regulation Team at Vidhi. He has worked extensively on the subject of Legal Education and Social Inclusivity. He is the Director of the VALE Fellowship. He was the author of the Jamia Diversity Census and has delivered several presentations on education policy at international conferences. He has also submitted a policy brief on Unified Building Bye-Laws to the Government of NCT of Delhi.
Event Details and Organization
The event is being organized online on the 11th of February, 2023 and will be hosted over Google Meet. The lecture shall be scheduled from 6:00pm-7:30pm on the 11th of February 2023.
Link for the Lecture- Guest Lecture on State of Legal Education in India: Social Relevance, Accessibility, and Inclusivity.
Saturday, February 11 · 5:00 – 8:30pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/bpy-ykce-ejf
For any queries or clarifications, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected].