The Centre for Transnational Commercial Law at Na- tional Law University, Delhi was established in 2016 to advance the study and practice of transnational commer- cial law. TCL is an emerging area of law and policy ne- cessitated by cross-border movement of people and busi- ness transactions. The Centre seeks to be a guiding factor in teaching, research and policy formulation.
CTCL has been established with the aim of supporting an academic and policy interface. The foremost aim of the Centre is to provide a focal point for academics, prac- titioners and regulators through an interdisciplinary le- gal research. Research Projects, both fundamental and applied, training programmes, workshops/conferences, clinics and publications form some of the current ac- tivies. The Centre seeks to promote an environment for high quality research in all aspects of national, interna- tional, transnational, and comparative law. Consistent with this aim, CTCL actively engages in deliberations in- volving the Unification and Harmonization of Interna- tional Private Laws along with the UNCITRAL, UNIDROIT, The Hague Conference and similar institu- tions & organizations. The Centre also aims to nurture and encourage the researchers of the future in this im- portant area of law.
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