About The National Law University, Delhi:
National Law University, Delhi, also known as NLU Delhi is a state-level Law University which was established in 2008. Out of theĀ 23 NLUsĀ in the country, NLU Delhi is among the leading ones.Ā It is recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and is also a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU).
About The National Labour Law Association
The National Labour Law Association (Established in 1980) with Dr. Nagendra Singh, Judge, International Court of Justice as the President and the Chief Justice of India as its Chief Patron. Its objective is to provide a forum for a free and frank exchange of ideas and experiences among the employers, employees, the professionals and the experts, as well as the Government officials so as to help all concerned to apply laws in their right perspective. The Ministry of Labour has conferred the āConsultative Body Statusā onĀ itā āIn 1983 the Association set up anĀ InstituteĀ ofĀ Industrial RelationsĀ and Personnel Management.
The Association organized more than 300 hundred Seminars, Workshop and discussions on variety of subjects such as in Industrial Relations Law, Child labour , Women workers and Constitutional Law, Right to Information, Disinvestment, Industrial Jurisprudence, Contract Labour, Public sector enterprises āDisciplinary procedure,Ā and among others adjudicationā.
About The Webinar
The webinar is organised By Centre for Transparency & Accountability in Governance National Law University Delhi, India & National Labour Law Association, New Delhi. In collaboration with Friedrich Ebert Foundation ā India & Centre for Labour Laws NLIU Bhopal.
COVID19 Pandemic & Enforcement of Labour Law: Challenges and Remedies
Important Date
Webinar date:Ā 30 January 2021