Research Associates: Candidates with LL.M. / M.A./ Masters Degree in the relevant subject with not less than 55% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. Candidates with Research Publications in SCOPUS / Web of Science / SCImago / UGC Care listed Journals will be preferred.
Research Assistants: Candidates with five year integrated LL.B. / B.L. with not less than 60% marks in the aggregate from a recognized University. Candidates with Research Publications in SCOPUS / Web of Science / SCImago / UGC Care listed Journals will be preferred.
*Candidates with exposure and work experience / internships and/or research and writing in the areas of Constitutional Law / Consumer Law / Corporate Law / Air and Space Law / Taxation / Criminal Law / Forensic Science / International Trade and Business Laws / Maritime Laws / Defence Studies / Cyber Security / Land Laws will be preferred.
Preference will be given to candidates having domain knowledge.
Interested Candidates are requested to fill in the below given Google Form Application with CV and supporting certificates and submit on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 29, 2023.
Apply here : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVjzCBY8my1yivJOfQ3xqzPwd2uYu14ilvDnsCr07euM32g/viewform
Wherever required submit the proof of publications and other certificates without fail.
For More Details Click HERE