Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur was established by the Government of Maharashtra in 2016 through the enactment of the Maharashtra National Law University Act (Maharashtra Act No. VI of 2014).
It is a residential University engaged in promoting quality legal education and conducting cutting-edge research on thriving issues of law, social science, management and humanities. The University is presently offering B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) Five-Year Integrated Degree Course; B.A.LL.B. (Hons. in Adjudication and Justicing) Five-Year Integrated Degree Course, B.B.A.LL.B. (Honours) Five-Years Integrated Degree Course; LL. M. One Year Postgraduate Degree Course and PhD in interface with the law and legal issues, besides various Diploma and Certificate courses.
While it has strong student-centric goals, it also focuses extensively on the holistic development of its bright and diligent faculty members and scholars motivating them to attain new heights. In order to realize this holistic vision and keep in view the spirit of the Constitution, the University strives for excellence, through its centres established for advanced legal studies, research, and advocacy to address socio-legal issues and challenges. Some of the centres have already started working on offering courses and conducting seminars, conferences, and training programs for their identified target groups.
In September 2022, the Honourable Prime Minister of India introduced the National Logistics Policy to improve logistics efficiency as a function of infrastructure, services and human resources. The NLP has been hailed by both, the public and private sectors. It aims for digitalising the transport sector, reducing the number of obstacles and challenges faced by export-import firms and has the vision of creating a new digital platform named Ease of Logistics Services. Further, the Unified Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) aims to bring all the digital services related to transportation, logistics, export and import into a single digital portal. It is believed that this policy shall help reduce the logistics costs from double digits to single digits in terms of percentages, and reduce the overall burden on traditional means of logistics. The conference aims to be a platform for debate, discussion and deliberation on Law, Logistics and Management and the need to manage the expectations and aspirations of the essential stakeholders of this policy.
The Objectives of the Conference: –
- To examine the relationship between law and its impact on the logistics sector of India;
- To assess various business opportunities the dynamic logistics sector presents to India and the world;
- To identify and evaluate various regulatory and managerial challenges that have been plaguing the logistics sector of India; and
- To suggest various solutions to address the challenges of the logistics sector of India.
This hybrid conference invites Research Papers/Articles/Essays/Policy Reviews in interdisciplinary subjects such as Law, Logistics and Management, including but not limited to the following:
THEME 1: Harnessing the Potential of Multimodal Logistics Park
- E-Business and E-Commerce
- Supply Chain Management
- Customs and Free Trade Zones
- Outsourcing in Logistics (3PL, 4PL, LLP)
- Infrastructure Investment- Trends and Forecasts
THEME 2: Role of Infrastructure in the Connectivity Ecosystem
- Digitalisation in Transport Law
- Legal Prospects and Challenges of a Globalised and Digitalised World
- Warehouse Management
- Port Management and Logistics
THEME 3: Strengthening the Last Mile for a Stronger Bharat
- Green Logistics
- Innovative Solutions in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Value Creation in Logistics and Supply Chain
- Social Responsibility in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
THEME 4: New Logistics Policy – Challenges and Opportunities
- NLP and its Impact on Everyday Consumer
- Medico-Services: Logistical Challenges and Opportunities
- Tourism and Travel Sector
- Rural Logistics
The Department of Management, Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur, invites original, high-quality research papers for the Two-Day Multidisciplinary International Conference on “Law, Logistics and Management” in HYBRID mode on the themes specified above.
The abstract of the research paper/ article/essay / policy review shall be submitted prior to the date of submission of the full-length paper/article/essay (both of which are specified later in this brochure).
- The work should be original and must not be previously published/under consideration for publication elsewhere. The word limit, excluding footnotes should be between 3,500- 5,000 words.
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font Size: 12 with single line spacing, justified alignment and a margin of one
inch on all sides.
- Footnotes – Font: Times New Roman (font-size: 10), Citation Style: APA
- Abstract – around 250-300 words; Should contain Purpose of Paper;
- Design/Methodology/Approach; Findings; Research Limitations/Implications; Practical Implications (if applicable); Social Implications (if applicable); Original value of the paper.
- Soft copy of the paper/article/essay/abstract (.doc/.docx format only) should be submitted via Google forms- https://forms.gle/iCBLst8A6rq42xw47 .
- Among the selected papers, the top 3 research papers from each theme will be awarded.
- The top three papers of each theme will be selected for publication in the Special Issue of the Maharashtra National Law University Journal – Contemporary Law Review.
- All selected papers will be published in the book with ISBN number.
E-Mail: [email protected] Student Coordinators:
Mr. Parth Khubalkar- 86690 81216 Mr. Amogh Kane- 9405187152
Mr. Deepesh Tapariya- 9460972074 Mr. Alden Vas- 9892192348
Address: Maharashtra National Law University, Waranga PO. Dongargaon (Butibori), Nagpur 441108
- Registration Fee for Research Scholars/Students: 1,000/- INR
- Registration Fee for Indian Academicians/Corporate Executives: 1,500/ – INR
- Registration Fee for Foreign Research Scholars/Students: US$12
Registration Fee for Foreign Academicians/Corporate Executives: US$15
For every co-author, a charge of Rs. 500 for Indian authors and US$5 for foreign authors will be applicable. Please note that the fee is strictly non-refundable.
LINK FOR PAYMENT: https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm IMPORTANT DATES
- Submission of Abstract (Soft Copy): August 25th, 2023
- Approval of Abstract: September 03rd, 2023
- Submission of Full Paper (Soft Copy): September 25th,2023 ➢ Paper Presentation (Hybrid Mode): October 5th & 6th, 2023
Maharashtra National Law University, Waranga PO. Dongargaon (Butibori), Nagpur 441108
For More Details Click HERE