Application/Nomination of candidates are invited for the post of Director of Indian Law Institute (A Legal Research Deemed University, Ministry of Law & Justice, Govt. of India) in the Fixed Pay Scale of Rs.2,10,000/- plus usual allowances as per UGC.
The applicant/nominated candidate must be:
a) A distinguished Academician with 10 (ten) years’ of experience as a Professor of Law (with Ph.D. in Law) in a University/Reputed Research and/or Academic Administrative Organisation.
b) He/she should have to his/her credit publications in indexed/reputed national/international journals (Full copies of 5 (five) best publications be attached).
c) He/she must have proof of demonstrating Academic/Research Leadership.
d) In addition he/she must also have experience of handling Administrative duties.
e) He/she must have highest level of competence, integrity, morale and institutional commitment.
f) He/she should be preferably below 60 (sixty) years of age on the date of application/being nominated.
g) He/she shall be appointed for a term of 5(five) years from the date of his/her joining the office or attaining the age of 70 (seventy) years, whichever is earlier.
h) He/she should have proven leadership qualities and should be able to lead the Institute’s mission of promoting teaching and research at the highest level of excellence.
i) He/she should also have the ability to promote the Institute at the national and international level for the development of strong linkages with academic institutions of repute globally.
j) The applicant should also indicate his/her interest/activities in fields beyond law, like, culture, literature, creative art, sports, etc.
k) The appointment will be subject to the vigilance clearance and integrity certificate.
l) The search committee will not be limited by the applications/nominations received but can also consider the candidature of other eligible persons on its own.
Application/nomination may be submitted online latest by 5th October, 2023 (5.00 p.m.). The shortlisted candidates will be invited for a personal interaction with the Search-cum- Selection Committee.
For submission of online applications/nominations CLICK HERE.
For any technical assistance while filling up the application applicants/nominators may please contact 011-23381630 during office hours on all working days.
For More Details Click HERE