Hidayatullah National Law University will be organising a one-day International Conference ( virtual mode) commemorating the Birth centenary on 14th April 2024 of the architect of the Constitution of India Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on 14th April 2024 on the theme of “Facets of Social Justice in the Vision of a Developed India @2047: Harnessing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Legacy”.
The conference is designed to disseminate the multifaceted dimensions of social justice as envisioned by Dr. Ambedkar and explore how his principles can guide us in our journey towards building a truly developed and equitable India by 2047. The programme is open to academicians, scholars, and professionals around the globe to contribute to the participate and present their papers on the stated theme to contribute to the repository of academic resources.
The programme is being organised by the Centre for Law & Public Health, Centre for Infrastructure Laws, Centre for Law & Indigenous People, and Centre for Law & Language of the School of Law & Public Policy, and School of Law & Humanities established under Research Hub and Spoke (R-Has) Model. The timeline for the submission of the Abstracts and a full working paper are 2nd April and 12th April 2024 respectively. The participant to registeronline on or before 10th April 2024.
The link for participation/abstract submission –
The link for payment – https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=5675243
The link for registration – https://forms.gle/Z2cE5XvnqaTCCVQcA
The Poster, brochure, and other relevant information about the conference can be browsed at www.hnlu.ac.in.