About Organizer:
About Sathyabama:
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology was established under Sec.3 of UGC Act, 1956 and has been Accredited with ‘A’ Grade by the National Accreditation and Assessment council. Sathyabama has a good presence in rankings and ratings at National and International level. The Institution has been ranked in 43rd position by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), Government of India among the Universities in India for the year 2022 and ranked one among the top 50 Universities for seven consecutive years. Sathyabama is ranked among the Top 5 Institutions in the Country for Innovation by ATAL ranking of Institution for Innovation Achievements, Govt. of India. Times Higher Education and QS has ranked Sathyabama among the top Institutions worldwide.
About School of Law:
Ever since its inception, School of Law has stood by its strong dedications to the study of law and interdisciplinary approaches to law and the focus is on real-world skills required to be ready for practice. School of Law is defined by its way Legal Education is imparted and the school is keen on investing for students’ intellectual and personal development. The School of Law functions with most dynamic leadership programs, events and initiatives that help students gain a deeper understanding of leadership and carry leadership qualities.
About CADR:
Centre for ADR works towards making students aware and exploring various other mechanisms that are available to resolve a dispute that arose, either between two individuals or companies. It also paves way for a harmonious dispute resolution mechanism and aims at accrediting competent practitioners in the field of ADR. Centre for ADR aims to make the society aware of the substitutes available to the lengthy legal proceedings.
About the Event:
Col.Dr. Jeppiaar 1st National Mediation Competition, 2023 is an Online Nation-Wide Competition organized by School of Law (Centre for ADR) as mediation is gaining attraction as an effective and efficient means of Alternative Dispute Resolution. This Competition will provide an opportunity to the participants to develop the requisite skills for a dynamic process of Mediation. The participants will also get familiarized with the procedures of Mediation and acquire more practical knowledge in this field.
Labour Law, Mediation
Labour Law, Mediation
Any student pursuing a five year integrated law course, three year law course, three year BCom., BBA, or MBA in a recognized Institution are eligible to be a participant in this competition.
How to register?
Link is provided in the brochure
1. Winners: Rs.15,000 + Grand Trophy + Merit Certificate.
2. Runners-Up: Rs. 10,000 + Grand Trophy + Merit Certificate.
2. Runners-Up: Rs. 10,000 + Grand Trophy + Merit Certificate.
3. Best Mediator: Rs. 5,000 + Grand Trophy + Merit Certificate.
4. Best Mediating Pair: Rs. 5,000 (each) + Grand Trophy + Merit Certificate.
Registration Fee:
Registration Fee inclusive of GST is INR 3,000 for one Team, Non – Refundable.
Important Dates:
5th January, 2023 – Release of Pre – Invitation
7th January, 2023 – Opening of Provisional Registrations
7th January, 2023 – Release of Mediation Problem
10th February, 2023 – Closing of Registrations
13th February, 2023 – Last day to seek Clarifications
16th February, 2023 – Inaugural Ceremony along with Preliminary Round I & II
17th February, 2023 – Quarter Finals and Semi – Finals
3rd March, 2023 – Finals, along with Valedictory Ceremony
Contact Information:
Clarifications can be sought by teams regarding the Mediation Problem and the Rulebook by emailing the Organizing Committee at [email protected].
Clarifications can be sought by teams regarding the Mediation Problem and the Rulebook by emailing the Organizing Committee at [email protected].
For More Detials Click HERE