About the Organization
National University of Study and Research in Law (NUSRL) is a law school situated in Ranchi. ItĀ was established by an Act of Jharkhand State Assembly in 2010. The University started functioning inĀ September, 2010 and was subsequently recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). AlongĀ with offering Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, the University also provides for a conduciveĀ environment for legal research.
About Call for Paper
The Centre for Human Rights and Subaltern Studies (CHRSS), NUSRL, Ranchi invites original andĀ unpublished manuscripts on contemporary issues pertaining to Human Rights for publication in theĀ inaugural edition of its annual E-Journal āNUSRL Journal of Human Rightsā.
Word Limit
ļ§ Research papers (3000-5000 words)
ļ§ Book reviews (1000-2000 words)
ļ§ Case Studies/Commentaries (1000-3000 words)
The e-journal seeks to provide a platform for discourse on various contemporary issues dealing with
protection of national as well as international Human Rights. The following is a list (NOT exhaustive) of
indicative themes –
ļ§ Violation of Human Rights and the Subverted Rule of Law
ļ§ Mob Lynching and the Issue of Human Rights
ļ§ Subaltern and Vulnerable Groups and the Fight for Human Rights
ļ§ Human Rights of Indigenous Groups
ļ§ Migration and Human Rights
ļ§ Criminal Justice Administration and the Undermined Human Rights
ļ§ International Human Rights Laws and Domestic Relevance
ļ§ Covid-19 and violations of Human Rights
ļ§ Any other Human Rights issue of contemporary relevane
Citation Style
The Bluebook Uniform System of Citation (19th Edition) shall be strictly adhered to for Law streamĀ participants and MLA style of Citation for Management, Humanities and Social Sciences streamĀ participants.
Format of Main Text and Footnotes
The Times New Roman font, font size 12 is prescribed for all entries. Further, the footnotes shall be in TheĀ Times New Roman font, font size 10. The line spacing of 1.5 and 1.0 shall be followed respectively forĀ Main Text & Footnotes. No Borders, Page Numbers, Headers and Footers are allowed.
Mode of Submission
Soft copies of all the entries are to be sent at – [email protected]
All the participants must fill this Google Form only after making the submission ā
Last Date for Submission ā 20th November, 2020
The E-Journal will be launched on 10th of December, 2020 on the occasion of Human Rights Day.
For the Brochure Click HERE