National Law University Odisha, Cuttack invites your contributions for its forthcoming issue of
“Human Rights Law Journal” in the form of articles, case comments, legislative comments and
book reviews. Human Rights Law Journal is an annual peer reviewed academic journal bearing ISSN
No. – 2581-3307. Their printing and distributing partner is the Eastern Book Company Group, one of
India’s most prominent law publishers.
Articles should be in the nature of a comprehensive analysis of the issues being dealt with. They must
provide an in-depth understanding of the relevant issues thorough either doctrinal or empirical
research. Comparative studies outlining the similar and contrasting features of different systems of
law are also encouraged.
Case Comments/Legislative Comments:
A case comment should provide a critically through appreciation of any leading/recent case of a
judicial authority. The comment should also explain the impact of the judgment on the law as it
existed prior to the judgment and the impact of such judgment on the future development of law. A
legislative comment should be a well-knit analytical report of any legislative enactment in the form of
a statute, amendment to a statute, rules under any statute of notified government regulations or
Book Reviews:
The authors are expected to analyze any book, published within the last three years, written by leading
scholars and academics in terms of the overall relevance of the book. Authors are expected to examine
the contribution of the book on existing domain knowledge and also its relevance in further
developments of law. Authors are also expected to highlight such elements or themes discussed in the
book which are either unexplored or underexplored.
For complete details, click HERE