Hidayatullah National Law University is a premier University in the field of legal education and research. The University is celebrating 20th Year of establishment. The University’s motto, “Dharma Sansthapanartham” translates to ‘for the sake of establishing the primacy of laws of eternal values.’ In line with this ethos, HNLU strives to provide advanced legal education that shapes students into more than just legal professionals; it instils in them a profound responsibility to contribute to the society.
The University has launched several innovative programmes in the last few years like Lex Osmose, Ex Arca, HNLU Press, Sui Generis, HEXA, HAAi and R-HaS.
Embracing the transformative vision of “विकसित भारत@ 2047””, we embark on a Journey towards India’s holistic development by its 100th year of Independence. This visionary roadmap encompasses not only economic prosperity but also social advancement, environmental stewardship, and the promotion of effective governance. Together, let’s forge a future where India shines as a beacon of progress and prosperity for generations to come. As we commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, one of the greatest social reformers and architects of modern India, it is imperative to reect on his enduring legacy and its relevance in shaping the future of our nation. This conference aims to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of social justice asenvisioned by Dr. Ambedkar and explore how his principles can guide us in our journey towards building a truly developed and equitable India by 2047. Through insightful discussions, research presentations, and collaborative dialogues, we seek to unravel the complexities of social justice in various spheres such as education, governance, economy, and community development. By honouring Dr. Ambedkar’s vision and harnessing the collective wisdom of scholars, activists, policymakers, and stakeholders, this conference endeavours to chart a path towards a future where every individual enjoys equal rights, opportunities, and dignity in a thriving and inclusive society. The conference also seeks to serve as a platform to explore innovative solutions, policies, and practices that can advance the cause of social justice. These discussions will be relevant at both the global and local levels, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive and inclusive approach to social justice.
In commemorating the 133rd Birth Anniversary of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar in 2024, it becomes increasingly crucial to reiterate our unwavering commitment to social justice. It seeks to inspire action and foster collaboration, ultimately striving for a world where social justice is universally respected, protected, and achieved
The programme is being organised by the Centre for Law & Public Health, Centre for
Infrastructure Laws, Centre for Law & Indigenous People, and Centre for Law & Language of the school of Law & Public Policy, and School of Law & Humanities established under Research Hub and Spoke (R-Has)
- To commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, honour his significant contributions to social justice and nation-building, and critically examine the facets of social justice as envisioned by him and their relevance in the context of a developed India by 2047.
- Identifying innovative strategies and best practices for promoting social inclusion, equity, and empowerment in diverse sectors of society.
- To explore the potentiality of Ambedkar’s vision to strengthen the society and Indian national spirit.
- Introducing Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s ideas on social justice, equity, liberty, national integration and women’s empowerment to the next generation.
- Globalization of Ambedkar’s thoughts and philosophy to resolve impending socioeconomic problems in the world.
- Constitutionalism and Social Justice: Examining Dr. Ambedkar’s Contribution to the Indian Constitution.
- Economic Empowerment and Social Inclusion: Addressing Disparities in Developed India.
- Education for All: Bridging the Gap in Access and Quality.
- Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Advancing Dr. Ambedkar’s Vision.
- Caste and Identity Politics: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Justice.
- B.R. Ambedkar’s vision on Tribal Development and Indian Constitution. Environmental Justice: Sustainability and Equity in a Developed India.
- Governance and Accountability: Strengthening Democratic Institutions for Social Welfare.
- Human Rights and Social Justice: Protecting the Dignity of Every Citizen. Interplay of Economics, Politics and Society on Development of Tribal Community.
- Technology and Innovation: Tools for Social Transformation in Developed India. Grassroots Movements and Civil Society: Mobilizing for Change in Pursuit of Social Justice.
- Role of Buddhism in Ambedkar’s life and his strife for human dignity and freedom.
- Language and Access to Justice: Examining the impact of language barriers on access to justice and proposing solutions to ensure linguistic justice in legal systems.
- Access to Public Health and welfare: Health conditions of marginalized community of society.
- Social Infrastructure: Development of Social Infrastructure after Independence.
- Empowerment through Government Initiative: Various policies programmes and schemes being run by Government of India for empowerment of marginalized section of society.
- Perception of identity, power dynamics and social justice through language and Communication.
- Ambedkar on Industrial and Agrarian Development of India. Intersections between nationalism, social justice, and inclusive nation-building
NOTE: The sub-themes are only suggestive areas and are not exhaustive. Research papers that are not covered under the abovementioned sub themes but have relevance in the thrust area of the conference may also be submitted.
We invite original research papers from academicians, professionals, practitioners, researchers, students of law and allied social sciences, and other stakeholders on emerging issues and related areas on the broad sub-themes given above.
For abstract
The abstract should not exceed 300 words (inclusive of 4 keywords) and must be accompanied by a brief bio-note (in 60 words) of the author indicating his/her email ID, contact number, designation, and official address.
The abstract should be in the following format:
Times New Roman, Font Size 12 & Line spacing 1.5, Justifed. 1-inch margins on all the four sides.
Submissions are to be made in:
- MS Word format only.
- The abstract must identify a research problem clearly to be discussed by the author in the full paper, and the particular theme of the conference associated with the paper.
- Please name your abstract file as follows:
Full Name abstract e.g. if author’s name is John Doe then the file name should be John Doe_abstract.
The abstracts can be submitted through this link: https://forms.gle/NN5zP27JdQoA7FT5
For Full paper
Selected abstracts shall be intimated separately along with a link for full paper submissions and payment of registration fee.
- The word limit for a full research paper along with an abstract is 3000-5000 words (excluding footnotes), which must be submitted in MS Word format.
- Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line spacing: 1.5, A4 size paper with 1” margin on all sides.
- For citation, the author is required to follow the APA Formatting and Citation (7th Ed.).
- The final paper should mandatorily have the suggestions/ recommendations made by the author(s).
The language of submissions should preferably be English and Hindi.
For Publication of Papers
- Selected research papers may be published in an edited book by a reputable publisher with an ISBN.
- The authors willing to consider their paper for publication must submit a duly filled in and scanned ‘DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBILITY & ASSIGNMENT OF COPYRIGHT FORM’ to be provided with the communication of acceptance of paper.
- The submitted papers shall be checked through a similarity software approved by the University. Any paper exceeding 10% similarity shall be outrightly rejected. The submitted papers shall go through a blindfolded peer review process before selection for publication in an edited book with ISBN as per the University Policies.
- Selection for paper presentation does not entitle publication in the book.
- Academicians and Professionals: INR 1000
- Research Scholars: INR 750
- Students: INR 500
- For participation without presentation: INR 300 per person
- For international participant: USD 25
Selected abstracts shall be intimated separately along with a link for full paper submissions and payment of registration fee.
Submission of abstract: 2nd April 2024
Intimation of abstract acceptance: 4th April 202
Registration Deadline: 10th April 202
Submission of full paper: 12th April 2024
Date of Conference: 14th April 2024
For further queries and information, please contact:
Mr. Aashutosh Kumar Aahire
Secretary Head,
Centre for Law and Public Health
Email Id: [email protected]
Contact No.: 7587017829