The Journal of Law, Technology and Trust (JLTT) is a new peer reviewed, open access online journal that aims to encourage interdisciplinary and international debate of issues focused upon law, technology and trust and trustworthiness. It is published by Northumbria University, UK. JLTT publishes peer reviewed articles and future-thinking pieces, policy reports and case reviews. The journal embraces both academic debate, and discussion of practical and regulatory issues faced by those in policy and practice.
Submission Category:
The editors of the JLTT welcome submissions for the journal’s Winter 2020 Launch Issue. Submissions should be suitable for publication in one of the following sections:
- Articles (5,000-8,000 words)
- Future Thinking Pieces (3,000-5,000 words)
- Policy reports (1,000-2,000 words) and
- Case Reviews (3,000-5,000 words)
They particularly welcome submissions considering the current Covid-19 pandemic and its impact upon law, technology and trust, and submissions discussing disruptive technological and societal environments, including, but not limited to, these broad areas:
- Big Tech and the use of data;
- Online harms and intermediary liability;
- Datafication and discrimination risk;
- The ethical and legal implications of coronavirus tracking apps, and ‘immunity passports’;
- Police powers, surveillance and national security;
- Technology, the courts and the wider justice system;
- Legal practice in a time of pandemic;
- Conflicts between public protection, public health and individual rights;
- Coronavirus scams, trust and cybersecurity;
- Remote working and home learning and implications for personal and organisational privacy;
- Teleheath: the online monitoring of health and personal behaviours.
Pieces to be considered for the Winter 2020 Launch Issue must be submitted via the online journal submission process by no later than 5pm on 1 October 2020. Pieces received after this date will be considered for inclusion in the Spring 2021 issue.
For more details, click HERE