About the theme
Theme: Privacy Concerns in the field of Medicine
The ever-evolving area of medicine is essential for improving human longevity and quality of human life. The new technologies and advancements in this field are valuable yet difficult. The current trends pose a risk to privacy and human dignity. The informational privacy of patients and research subjects is the main topic of discussion in present privacy and medical conflicts. Confidentiality of medical records is frequently emphasised. Given the issues, concerns, and objectives of the digital age, this emphasis is neither unexpected nor out of place.
Sub themes: The authors are allowed to choose any topic of their choice under the said theme. The following sub-themes which an author can choose, but not limited to,
- Managing data privacy in AI based Medical Devices; Internet of Medical Things (IoMTs)
- Privacy and security concerns in Telemedicine
- Medical Identity Theft/ fraud
- Emerging privacy concerns in E-Pharmacy
- Contact tracing applications and health data.
- Co- authorship is allowed up to two authors.
- The author(s) should refrain from mentioning their name(s), institutional affiliation or any other detail of the author(s) in the document and the name of the document to facilitate the double-blind review process.
- The submission should be between 1800- 2000 words (inclusive of the endnotes/footnotes, if any). Longer pieces may be considered for publication only on the approval of the Editorial Team taking into consideration the contents and ensuring the quality.
- All works must be original and unpublished. Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification for publication on the Blog.
- Keep your title brief and ensure that the title clearly communicates the topic and conveys the essence of the piece to the reader.
- While formatting the document, the author(s) should keep the following things in mind:
o Font style: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Headings: 14, Line spacing: 1.5.
o All the relevant authorities should be duly acknowledged and hyperlinked in the text of the submission itself. If hyperlinks are not available, then footnotes (Bluebook 20th edition) can be used.
- Further, if the author relies on a specific document to support an argument, pinpoint citations must be included.
- All submissions must be sent in a MS word document to [email protected]and the author should send their detail in a separate document as a cover letter along with the manuscript.
The top two entries will be awarded with a certificate of merit.
Submission Deadline
All submissions must be sent via email on or before 31 January, 2023.
Contact Information
All correspondences and queries related to the Blog may be addressed to [email protected]
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