About the Blog
NMIMS Law Review Blog serves as a regular accompaniment to our annual Law Review. The Blog is thematic in nature, with diverse themes being introduced each quarter to cater to the dynamic legal landscape. The submissions are accepted on a rolling basis for each quarter. It is dedicated to facilitating discourse and creating a body of scholarship on contemporary legal issues. It aims to provide exposure to intensive research and comprehension of complex matters within the contours of the quarterly themes. The blog provides an industry interface and explores key insights essential on the professional as well as the academic front.
The NMIMS Law Review Blog aims to provide exposure to exemplary legal scholarship in diverse themes, on a quarterly basis. For this quarter (October/November/December), we welcome submissions on a rolling basis under the broad themes of:
1. International Law
2. Commercial Law
3. Intellectual Property Law
The themes are broad, keeping in mind the need to encourage cross-disciplinary legal research. We hope to receive original, unpublished submissions that are including but not limited to articles analysing contemporary developments, research notes, and opinion pieces.
General Guidelines
Submissions are accepted from academicians, legal professionals and practitioners, and students at all levels of legal study.
1. Word limit: Between 1000 to 1500 words, exclusive of endnotes. Longer posts may be accepted and published in parts. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss the same.
2. Submissions are accepted only in the English language. They must be original and unpublished. Any plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
3. Co-authorship up to 2 authors is allowed.
4. The text of the submission should contain absolutely no reference or indication to the identity of the authors or their institutional affiliation. The title of the document should be renamed to the title of the post.
5. The submission should be in Word format (.doc or .docx and in compatibility mode).
6. Submissions should be made strictly on this form.
Formatting Guidelines
1. Times New Roman (Title – 14, Bold; Subtitles – 12, Bold; Body – 12)
2. Case laws to be italicised.
3. Referencing: All references are to be hyperlinked. Should the source cited not be available online, endnotes may be used per the Bluebook 20th Edition format. No footnotes.