The Centre for Business and Commercial Laws (CBCL) at National Law Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU) operates The CBCL Blog to publish the latest updates and commentary on the developments relating to business laws and its associated subject areas in India. The objective of The CBCL Blog is to create a platform for both, professionals and students, to contribute their unique opinions and viewpoints so as to stimulate an exchange of ideas in all aspects of business and commercial laws. If you wish to make a contribution, kindly peruse the guidelines below.
Content Guidelines:
- The CBCL Blog accepts submissions on a rolling basis on corporate law, securities law, insolvency law, banking law, commercial arbitration law, competition law and taxation law.
- Submissions can be in the form of articles, opinions, case comments and short notes on the aforementioned topics.
- Authors should use endnotes and NOT footnotes.
- The citation format used for the endnotes must be uniform, preferably the latest edition of the Bluebook.
- Submissions should be the original work of the contributor.
- Authors are advised to keep their articles concise and precise to enhance the effectiveness of their posts, ideally not more than 1500 words (excluding endnotes).
- Authors are advised to make succinct, initial paragraphs to summarise the substance of their posts.
- The relevant sources should be ideally mentioned in the texts. Endnotes should be avoided and must only be used where necessary.
- Wherever case law, statutory materials, statistics or other resources are being referred to, appropriate links must be provided to those in the endnotes or the text itself.
- The articles should be analytical rather than descriptive.
- Posts accepted for publication on The CBCL Blog may be cross-posted. However, this is subject to the condition that such cross-posting should necessarily acknowledge the fact that the article was originally posted on The CBCL blog.
- Please ensure that the title of the submission is not more than ten words long.
Submission Process:
- All submissions for The CBCL Blog must be uploaded via the Googe Form (Click here). Kindly DO NOT send submissions via email.
- Authors must include their full name and institution/organisation, a link to their online profile page in the document, if possible and also the suggested category in the submission.
- CBCL conducts a strict blind-peer review of the submissions received and holds absolute discretion in determining whether to accept a submission or not. We will send an email receipt upon acceptance as soon as possible.
For more details, click HERE