Call for Applications for Monsoon Course on Advance Criminal Law: 29th August 2021 to 4th September 2021. Last date of registration: 20th August 2021
The Centre for Criminal Law, Criminology and Victimology (CCLCV) of the WB National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) is organising a 7-day online Certificate course on Advance Criminal Law for the benefit of practitioners and students from law school associated with the discipline. The course, which is going to be conducted in Virtual Mode will focus on different areas under the realm of Criminal Law including but not restricted to Victimology, Criminal Justice System, Policing, Cyber Crimes and Crimes against women. The Course will be approximately 25 hours long and will include virtual classroom teaching along with interactive exercises. The resource persons for the course include High Court Justices, Government officials who are serving under various pillars of Criminal Justice system, Practicing Advocates and academicians & professors from top National Law Schools. The classroom lectures by the learned and respected resource persons will be followed by a written examination and other evaluation parameters. The participants who will maintain at-least 75% attendance and complete all the evaluation parameters will only be eligible for the certificate. The objective of the course is to introduce the participant to the fundamentals of criminal justice administration, discuss crime policies and issues related to governing crime, comprehending the relevance of special statutes governing crimes and understanding the effectiveness of the procedural and substantive laws on crimes and punishment. It will also focus on interdisciplinary aspects of Criminal Law. At the end, the course aims to enable the participants in streamlining the objective relation between criminal law, administration of criminal justice and public policy and to gain sound knowledge of the procedural and substantive laws governing the crimes and punishment.
Note: Admissions are on first cum first serve basis. Participants currently studying in law school are expected to have completed their courses on the Indian Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Maximum Participants – 100.
The fee for the course is Rs 2,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only).
Course duration: 29th August to 4th September 2021
Last date of registration – 20th August 2021
Link to payment and registration
Ā Introduction Brochure
Three Months Online Certificate Course on Business and Commercial Laws
Applications Invited for Three Months Online Certificate Course on Business and Commercial Laws
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) following the advice of the Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India, plans to offer a 3-month online certificate course and training programme on Business and Commercial Laws for the benefit of practitioners and other graduate professionals from any discipline involved with the Commercial Courts. The course is intended to help in capacity building of the legal and business communities engaged in commercial litigation and would be instrumental in improving India’s ease of doing business ranking in the future. The course content, prepared and delivered by academic and industry experts, would focus on the fundamental of substantive business and commercial laws, procedural issues, and litigation practices in commercial courts. The course would include weekend live classes, recorded lectures, as well as supplementary material.
Note: Admissions are on Rolling Basis
The Fee for the course is Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only).
Next Course Commences 1st September 2021. Last Date for Receipt of Application: 20th August 2021