The Orissa High Court has issued an advertisement for recruitment of Research Assistants. The offline application process for the recruitment drive has already started.
As per the notification issued by the registrar of the Orissa High Court, applications are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement of 27 Research Assistants in the High Court of Orissa with a fixed honorarium/ stipend of Rs 30,000 per month.
Eligibility Conditions & Qualifications:
The candidates must have acquired LL.B degree/LL.M. degree from any recognized Universities/Colleges/Institutions, within three years from the date of his/her application and should not have put in more than five years of practice, if he/ she is a practicing advocate and must have good working knowledge of computers. The candidate should be of sound mind and body and free from any bodily and mental disability, which render him unfit for such assignment.
(i) A candidate must not have more than one living spouse, nor should be married to such a person, who already has a living spouse.
(ii) A candidate should not have been convicted or involved in any pending criminal case.
Age and Nationality: The maximum age of the candidates as on 1st January of the year 2021 must not be more than 33 years and he must be a citizen of India.
Method of Selection: The prospective candidates should apply to the Registrar General of the High Court of Orissa in the form under Schedule-I indicating their willingness to work with the Chief Justice or with a particular Judge. The applications so received shall be scrutinized by the Registry and the defect free applications shall be placed before the Chief Justice/Judges as per the willingness given by the applicant(s). The Chief Justice/Judge in his/her discretion mayor may not call any of the applicants for interview or personal interaction.
For More Details Click HERE