The Admission to Ph.D. Degree in Law and Allied Subjects shall be open to the following candidates:
(i) Eligibility for admission to Ph.D. Degree in Law:
He/She has obtained the LL.M. Degree of Dr. R.M.L. National Law University, Lucknow or its equivalent Degree of any other university recognized by the UGC with at least 55% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent grade B in the UGC 7 point scale.
However, there shall be a relaxation of 5 % in the aforesaid minimum 55% marks for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) of U.P./differently-able categories.
(ii) Eligibility requirement for admission to Ph.D. Degree in Allied Subjects:
(a) A Master’s Degree of any university recognized by UGC having at least 55% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent grade B in the UGC 7 point scale in any subject of the proposed research work with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, or
(b) A Master’s Degree of any university recognized by UGC having at least 55% marks in aggregate or an equivalent grade B in the UGC 7 point scale in any subject of the proposed research work with established research credentials by way of publications; or
(c) A Master’s Degree of any university recognized by UGC having at least 55% marks in aggregate or an equivalent grade B in the UGC 7 point scale in any subject of the proposed research work with long term in-depth practical experience in the area to be researched. However, there shall be a relaxation of 5% in the aforesaid minimum 55% marks for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer) of U.P./differently-able categories.
Provided that a candidate with the aforesaid qualifications in Social Sciences or Humanities shall be admitted to the Programme, if the research he/she intends to pursue, interfaces with the discipline of law.
A candidate whose result is awaited may also apply, however he/she must possess the requisite eligibility requirement on the date of Interview. If a candidate does not submit the PG Marksheet/Grade sheet, issued by their University/ College, shall not be allowed for the Interview.
The filling-up of application form shall include:
(i) The Applications of the all eligible candidates in the prescribed Application Form and along with the all documents, fulfilling with the academic criteria i.e. (PG Marksheet/Grade sheet, Degree and Research Proposal), relating to Latest Caste Certificate, Present Financial Year EWS Certificate, P.W.D. Certificate shall have to be reached to the Registrar, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, L.D.A., Kanpur Road Scheme, Lucknow-226012 by Online using following Google Link on or before 25/10/2021 by 05:00 p.m: https://forms.gle/B4EMfGDxbkgnMaFV8
- (ii) The fees (non-refundable) for the Application Form shall be Rs. 1100/- (Rs. 550/- for SC/ST of U.P. candidates).
The candidates shall have to submit the requisite fees, by on-line payment through Dr. RMLNLU website (SBI Collect). The Receipt of the On-line payment shall be attached with the Application Form.
- (iii) The candidates shall prepare and submit a detailed scheme of his/her proposed research work along with the Application Form on the following lines:
(a) Specification of broad field of study
(b) Importance and rationale of the study(c) Available literature
(d) Method and scope of the study
(e) Justification of the Study and it’s interface with the Discipline of Law
In case the proposed research work plan is not submitted along with the Application form, The Application will not be entertained.
The Selection Process for Admission to the Ph.D. Programme 2021-22 will be as follows:
(i) The Written Test shall consist of 70 marks. The Question Paper will consist of Objective Type Questions 50% on Research Methodology and 50% shall be on the main Subject Specific.
(ii) The qualifying marks shall be 50% of the marks in the Written Test. However, relaxation of 5% of marks (from 50% to 45%) shall be allowed for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/ Differentially Able categories.
(iii) A candidate who scores marks in the Written Test below the aforesaid prescribed minimum qualifying marks shall not be called for interview.
(iv)The Entrance Test shall be exclusively in English Language.
(v) The Syllabus for the Entrance Test shall as may be prescribed by the University.
(vi)The duration of the Entrance Test will be one and half hours. There will be no negative marking.
(vii) The Interview shall be of 30 marks.
(viii) The Interview Board for Interview for admission to the Ph.D. Programme shall conduct the Interview.
(ix)The interview shall be conducted to consider the following aspects: The candidate possesses the competence of the proposed research work.The proposed area of research work can contribute to new/ additional knowledge
(x) In event of tie between two or more candidates in their inter se merit in the Written Test and Interview taken together, the tie will be broken by the following procedure and order:
- Higher marks in the Master’s Degree
- Higher marks in the Undergraduate Degree
iii. Higher in age
(xi)Those eligible candidates who have qualified in the Entrance Test will be selected for Admission on the basis of their inter se merit taken together in the Written Test and Interview. (xii) Mere fact that the name of a candidate appears in the Merit List, he/she will not get any right to claim admission to the Ph.D. Programme 2021-22.
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