Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Sonepat, (‘DBRANLU’) was established by the State Government of Haryana in the year 2012 vide State Legislature Act No. 15 of 2012 in the education hub of India; Rajiv Gandhi Education City, Sonepat. The institution has a state-of-the- art, lush green campus. The location provides a positive and congenial environment for legal education and professional training besides the overall development of students. The university has firmly resolved to impart advanced legal education, to hone practical legal skills and interdisciplinary understanding, keeping in view the requirements of a just and equitable society. DBRANLU has been established to serve society by providing professionally competent and pragmatic law-abiding citizens with scientific and objective temperament bearing well-rounded personalities. Our primary vision is to shape legal education as an instrument to provide Justice- Social, Economic, and Political.
DBRANLU Law Review is an online peer-reviewed and biannual journal of DBRANLU. The journal is dedicated to advancing legal scholarship and fostering intellectual discourse within the legal community. The journal aims to serve as a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research and innovative perspectives across various domains of law. Our objective is to contribute to the enrichment of legal scholarship by publishing insightful and thought-provoking articles that address contemporary legal issues, theories, or developments as well as offer significant contributions to the existing body of juristic scholarship.
DBRANLU Law Review is elated to announce the release of its inaugural volume and is calling for papers in the format of:
1.Articles (4000 to 6000 words)
2. Case and Legislative comments (2000 to 3500 words)
3.Book reviews (2000 to 3000 words)
Submissions may be made by students, research scholars, academics, or practitioners. Joint authorship is allowed for up to two authors.
The main text should follow the given guidelines:
Font style: Times New Roman Font size: 12
Line spacing: 1.5
The word limit of the main text is exclusive of:
Footnotes (Bluebook 20th edition – refer to Annexure A for details; Times New Roman; Size 10; single-spaced) Abstract (300 to 500 words)
The submission must be made in ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format only, with the name of the file containing the names of the authors.
The similarity index of the submission must not exceed 10%.
DBRANLU Law Review accepts submissions on a rolling basis. However, the deadline for the inaugural issue is February 29, 2024. The submissions are to be emailed to [email protected] and must accompany a cover letter addressed to the Editor of the journal. The cover letter is to include Author’s name and affiliation, title of the submission, and contact details.
In case of any queries, kindly write to us at [email protected], with the subject:
“[Your Name] – Journal Query”. or call us at +91 98100 13604.