NLUJAA Admission Notification for Ph.D. Degree Programme 2023; Apply by July 21

National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam an institution of eminence in the field of legal education and research, is a residential University established by the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2009 and is the fourteenth National Law University in the country. The University is committed to achieving excellence in the field of legal education by promoting innovative research in the field of Law, Social Sciences and Humanities.

National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam invites applications from eligible candidates for admission to the Ph.D. Degree Programme of the University. Eligibility and other details of the programme are as under:

1. Eligibility for Admission

(a) To be admitted to the candidature for Ph.D. Degree Programme, an applicant shall have:

(i)  fulfilled the eligibility criteria as established by the UGC from time to time.


(ii)  officiated as District and Session Judge or equivalent with five (5) years of experience.

(iii)  officiated as Judge of any High Court in India with two (2) years’ experience or Judge of the Supreme Court of India.

(iv)  passed the Company Secretary Examination conducted by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and awarded the Associate Membership of the Institute (ACS). Such candidates shall be eligible for admission to the programme, if the research they wish to pursue interfaces with the discipline of law with a special focus on public policy or law.


(v)  passed the final examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi.

2. Procedure for Admission

(a)  All the candidates shall appear for admission test except those candidates who have qualified UGC NET / JRF, SLET / M.Phil. or are officiating as Judge

(b)  All the candidates who have cleared the admission test as well as those who are exempted from appearing for it are required to attend an interview with the Research Committee.

(c)  All the candidates who have cleared the admission test as well as those who are exempted from appearing for it are required to submit a preliminary proposal of 1000 words indicating the hypothesis, the statement of problem, research outlines, set of research questions, proposed research methodology and survey of literature. The short- listed candidates shall be called for interview by the Research Committee.

(d)  All research proposals including the preliminary proposals shall be screened through the anti-plagiarism software. If the percentage of plagiarism for any proposal exceeds 15% or more of the total work, or 10% or more of total work from a single source then the candidates shall not be called for the interview.

(e)  Candidates who have cleared the admission test and the interview shall be provisionally admitted for Ph.D. and are required to attend a course work programme conducted by the University.

3. Syllabus for Admission Test

(f)  The admission test shall comprise of 25 (Twenty Five) questions of one mark each (Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and 5 (Five) short descriptive questions to be attempted out of 10 (Ten) questions of 5 (Five) marks each. There shall be two compulsory questions of 25 (Twenty Five) marks each, wherein the candidate shall write an Essay on any topic of his / her area of interest in about 1000 (one thousand) words.

(g)  The Examination shall be of three hours duration. The qualifying marks of the admission test shall be 55% for the General Category and 50% for the other categories, i.e. SC / ST and Differently Abled Persons.

(h)  The question paper shall consist of legal and logical reasoning for multiple choice questions whereas the short descriptive questions and essay type questions shall be from Contract Law, Jurisprudence, Personal Laws, Constitutional Law, International Law, Criminal Law, Human Rights Law, Environmental Law, Corporate Law and Intellectual Property Law.

4. Test Centre

Entrance Test for Ph.D Degree Programme 2023 will be conducted at National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, Amingaon, Hajo Road, Kamrup, Guwahati – 31.

Fee structure of the Ph.D Prorapmme of the University is attached herewith as Annexure I

Note: The fee structure is subject to revision by Statutory Bodies of the University from time to time.

6. Categories of Enrolment

(a) Full-time Enrolment

(i) Enrolment for the Ph.D. Degree Programme shall ordinarily be full-time.

(ii) Three years shall be the maximum period in which a full time candidate shall complete the work and submit it for evaluation.

(b) Part-time Enrolment

There shall be provision for part-time enrolment for the Ph.D. Degree Programme.

(i)  A part-time candidate shall put in a minimum of three years of part-time study in the University including time spent for research at any other place with the permission of the Supervisor.

(ii)  6 years shall be the maximum period in which the part-time candidate shall complete the research work and submit it for evaluation.

(iii)  Conversion either from part-time to full-time or from full-time to part- time may be permitted only with the approval of the Research Committee.

(iv)  In cases of both part-time and full-time enrolment, the Supervisor of the candidate shall ensure monitoring of the research work done by the scholars outside the University campus by insisting on production of adequate proof of work done.

(c) Expiry / Lapse of Enrolment

Enrolment for the Ph.D. Degree Programme shall be deemed to have lapsed after three years from the date of enrolment in the case of full-time scholars and 6 years in the case of part-time scholars.

7. Correspondence

All correspondence relating to admissions should be made to the Registrar, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.

The Application Form (Annexure II) can be downloaded from the University website and the filled- in form should be submitted along with self-attested testimonials and a Demand Draft for Rs.1,000/- for Indian Nationals (Rs.750/- for SC/ST), drawn in favour of “Registrar, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam” payable at Guwahati. The duly filled-in form must reach the Registrar on or before July 21, 2023. Applications received after the last date shall not be accepted.

Note: The University reserves the right to revise the pattern of the admission test, procedure for admission and fee structure.

8. Tentative Time Line of Activities

1  Admission Test

2  Result of Admission Test

3  Submission of Research Proposal

4  Personal Interview/Interaction

5  Announcement of Result

6  Provisional Admission

7  Commencement of Coursework

9. No. of seats = 8

SC -1
ST (P/H) – 1
OBC -2
UR – 4 (5% reserved for PWD)
Out of 8 seats, 5 will be filled by candidates having qualified NET/SET and remaining from Admission Test.

For More Details Click HERE

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