School of Law, Bennett University is organising an international conference on Trade and Investment Laws: Legal and Economic Perspectives on December 1, 2023 and is seeking submissions in the form of call for papers for the same.
About the Conference
In post-World War II era, the plan of worldwide reconstruction was based on the idea of linking the global economy. The purpose was to ensure global prosperity and peace among nations. This plan was backed by Trade and Investment Law frameworks. Together, these economic and legal frameworks, even though distinct, regulated global economic activities based on the principles of fair and equitable treatment, safeguarding investor’s rights, and hassle-free movement of goods and services across the borders. However, there were several challenges to be addressed in this area, which remain fully unaddressed till date. Multiplicity of regulatory regimes; controversies related to dispute settlement mechanisms; sustainable development; power imbalances between global north and global south countries are some of the challenges we face even today.
In this backdrop, School of Law, Bennett University (India) and the Centre for Trade, Investment and Competition (CTIC) invites research papers for the International Conference on Trade and Investment Laws: Legal and Economic Perspectives to held on 1st December 2023 (tentative date). The aim of this conference is to explore the contemporary conflicting areas related to international trade and investment laws. Since the conference is inter-disciplinary in scope, the submissions need not necessarily be related to law and can engage important economic and other policy matters.
The venue of the conference will be Bennett University and foreign delegates will be allowed to present remotely through online mode.
The submissions are expected to be centred around but not limited to the themes mentioned below:
- Customary International Investment Law vis a vis Treaty Investment Law
- Investment Law and Environment Protection
- Foreign Investors Accountability towards the Host State
- Issues related to Dispute Resolution Mechanism
- Analysis of Investment Protection Standards
- International Trade Law vis a vis International Investment Law
- Free Trade Agreements and Investment Law
- Investment Law: Bilateralism vs Multilateralism
- Tax Law and Investment Law
- Sustainable Development and Investment Law
- Protection of Human Rights and Investment Law
- Role of Domestic Laws of Countries in the International Trade Law
- Economic aspects of International Trade and its demographics
- Interface between Environmental Law provisions and International Trade Law
- New Approaches for the Multilateral Trading System
- Challenges and development in the WTO dispute settlement system
- Impact of War on International Trade Law
- Analysis of India’s comprehensive proposal 2023 for 34 operational changes to WTO
- Interface of Competition Law, Trade, Investment and Economics
- Schools of Competition Law
- Interface between Competition Law & IPR
- Competition Law, Mergers & Acquisitions
- Analysis of Indian Competition (Amendment) Act 2023
- Competitions Advocacy
- Cartel Leniency.
Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts
- Each applicant must submit a 500-word abstract providing an overview of the proposed paper by e-mail to [email protected] no later than July10th, 2023.
- Abstract must contain details about the names of the author(s), contact details, institutional affiliation, and designation.
- Maximum of 5 keywords are to be provided along with the abstract. Abstract must be submitted in word (.doc or .docx) format only.
- Co-authorship up to three authors is permissible.
- Acceptance of the abstracts shall be communicated via email by July 16th, 2023.
- On selection of the abstract, the author(s) must pay the required registration fees for conference presentation, no later than August 10th, 2023. The link for the payment portal shall be sent to the authors whose abstract would be selected along-with the acceptance mail.
Publication Opportunity
Selected Abstracts will be published as a part of conference proceedings.
Select papers will be published in an edited book published by a reputed publisher. The last date to submit final papers is Aug 31, 2023.
How to Submit?
Email your submissions to [email protected]
Registration Fee
- Academic and Professional Presenter (Single Author): Rs. 1500
- Academic and Professional Presenter (Two or more authors): Rs 2000
- Student Presenter: Rs. 750
- Participation without Paper Presentation: Rs. 500
The best presentations in each session will be awarded with the best presentation certificate.
Important Dates
- Submission of Abstract: July 10, 2023
- Notification of Decision: July 16, 2023
- Last Day of Registration: August 10, 2023
- Date of the Conference: December 1, 2023
- Final Paper Submission: August 31, 2023
Contact Information
In case if queries, write to [email protected]
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