in collaboration with
Indian Patent Office,
GNLU Centre for Intellectual Property Rights
National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission
is organising
Date- 12th April, 2022
Time- 3:00- 4:00 PM
Venue- Orientation Hall, 2nd Floor,
Admin Block, GNLU
Invited Speaker
Dr. Ajay S. Thakur Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, Patent Office, Mumbai NIPAM Team-Leader, Govt. of India
Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) is the statutory university established by the Govt. of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003 . The University is recognized by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and the University Grants Commission (UGC) (2f & 12B) . The University is also a member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) , United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) , International Association of Law Schools (IALS) , Asian Law Institute (ASLI) and Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute .
The GNLU Act 2003 proclaims that GNLU, “shall be to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of law and legal processes and their role in national development: to develop in the students and the research scholars sense of responsibility to serve society in the field of law by developing skills in regard to advocacy, legal services, legislation, parliamentary practice, law reforms and such other matters; to make law and legal processes efficient instruments of social development; and to promote inter-disciplinary study of law in relation to management, technology, international cooperation and development.”
The ethos of imparting education in Gujarat National Law University comprises a mutual endeavour of the Faculty and the students who become part of our august family after clearing the hurdle of a rigorous and strenuous selection procedure, since only the cream of the country finds a place amidst us. The University has been in the process of striving for academic and professional excellence in the field of legal studies in the country. The University became functional from the year, 2004. Our teaching methodology and the student response to it can be safely summarized as being par excellence. Our student fraternity has won us laurels in the various spheres of national and international moot court competitions, paper presentations and various cultural activities. We strive for an all round and inter-disciplinary academic excellence in sync with the other National Law Schools of the country.
Since its inception, the University has been holding regular in-house Moot Court competitions, after which meritorious students are sent abroad for participating in Moot Court jamborees. The hub of activity be credited to our Moot Court Committee and the Legal Aid Clinic, which have developed a workable and efficient interface with the industry and the Judiciary to the satisfaction of all. As we persist in our academic endeavours, it won’t be an overstatement to say that our University will become a leader in the sphere of legal education in the country. Our founding motto too objectifies the ideal of, “Let all good and noble thoughts come to us from all directions”, which is a hymn from the Rig Veda. We, the fraternity of Gujarat National Law University aim at homogenization of all trends and civilization patterns by inculcating in our students, an appreciation of other cultures and regions of the country in all its homogeneity.
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