The RGNUL Law Review is a Biannual refereed Journal with ISSN: 2231-4938.It deals primarily with contemporary and relevant issues in law with an objective to enhance the knowledge quotient and at the same time initiate intellectual debate and dialogue yielding fruitful results.
The Inaugural Issue was released in 2011 under the able guidance of the then Vice-Chancellor Professor (Dr.) Gurjit Singh and the then Registrar Professor (Dr.) GIS Sandhu as the Executive Editor and Dr. Tanya Mander as the Editor. Initially it was published by the University; thereafter the RLR collaborated with Lexis Nexis for publication. Commencing from the year 2020, RLR will be published in collaboration with Eastern Book Company.
The RGNUL has successfully come out with 16 Issues since 2011.
At present, the Patron is Professor (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai, Vice-Chancellor, RGNUL, the Executive Editor is Registrar, RGNUL, the Editor is Dr. Kamaljit Kaur, Associate Professor of Law and the Editorial Board consists of Dr. Sharanjit ,Associate Professor of Law , Dr. GaganPreet, Assistant Professor of Law, Dr. Renuka Soni , Assistant Professor of Law and Dr. Abhinandan Bassi, Assistant Professor of law, Dr. Geetika Walia, Assistant Professor of Law, Dr. Navleen Multani, Assistant Professor of English.
The Advisory panel comprises Hon’ble Mr. Justice M.M Kumar, President of National Company Law Tribunal and Former Chief Justice Jammu and Kashmir High Court ,Hon’ble Mr. Justice Rajive Bhalla, Former Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court and Former Chairman Punjab Education Tribunal, Chandigarh Professor(Dr.)Veer Singh, Former Director (Academics) Chandigarh Judicial Academy, Chandigarh, Professor (Dr.) M.P.Singh, Former Chancellor, Central University of Haryana and Professor Emeritus, Delhi University and Professor(Dr.) Vijaya Kumar, Professor of Law, Vice-Chancellor, NLIU Bhopal.
The RLR is a Peer – Reviewed refereed Journal. RLR invites well researched, quality contributions on contemporary and relevant issues in Law twice a year as it is a Biannual Journal. The last date for submission of papers for-
January- June Issue: 15th January of every year
July- December Issue: 15th July of every year
Contributions must be emailed at [email protected]
The authors are provided with a copy of the RLR free of cost however the subscription charges are fixed for others as given below: –
Price per Copy
Individuals: Rs. 300/-
Institution: Rs.400/-
Alumni/student: Rs. 200/-
Annual subscription details: –
1 Year: Rs.500/-
2 Years: Rs.900/-
3 Years: Rs.1300/-
5 Years: Rs.2000/-
Overseas/UK: Dollar 20/Pound 10
Life Membership: Rs.10, 000/-
The following Departments/Institutions have subscribed to the RLR: –
· Allahabad High Court
· Dr.Upneet Lalli, Deputy Director, Institute of Correctional Administration, Sector 26,Chandigarh
· Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology, Sector 26,chandigarh
· GHG Institute of Law for Women, Sidhwan Khurd , Ludhiana
- Dr. Kamaljit Kaur
- Dr. Sharanjit
- Dr. Gaganpreet Kaur
- Dr. Renuka Soni
- Dr. Abhinandan Bassi
- Dr. Geetika Walia
- Dr. Navleen Multani
RGNUL Law Review (RLR)
RGNUL Law Review (RLR) is a biannual refereed Journal (ISSN 2231-4938). RLR is published by Eastern Book Company (EBC).
RLR invites research papers for Volume 1& 2, 2021
Guidelines for Submission
- Scheme and Style of publication and Guidelines for Contributors can be accessed here.
- Academicians and Research Scholars shall submit an undertaking that the submission is original research work and free of any plagiarism.
- The contributors can submit the papers by 30th November 2021. Papers and articlesSubmissions must be mailed to [email protected]
- All communication/correspondence with regards to submission to RLR should be sent to the E-mail ID given above.
For More Details Click HERE