About NUSRL Ranchi
National University of Study and Research in Law (Ranchi) was instituted in the year 2010 by Act No 4 of Jharkhand State Assembly. The vision is to inculcate within the students the nuances of legal culture and instill within them
a passion for law, cumulatively with sound legal knowledge, skill, courage, and integrity requisite in the administration of justice and to contribute qualitatively to the growing legal fraternity across the nation.
The competition is open to all law pursuing students (three or five years, including L.L.M/PhD) from any recognized
Constitution in its Seventies
Sub Themes
- Constitutional Morality
- Transformative nature of Constitution
- Constitutional Identity
Note – The list in not exhaustive and authors can opt for any topic within the ambit of the theme.
Submission Guidelines
- The article should not disclose the identity of the author/s in order to maintain anonymity.
- The length of the article should not be more than 2000 words (excluding footnotes)
- The sub-heading should be in Font size 12, Bold, Times New Roman and Center aligned.
- The main text should be in Font size 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing and Justified.
- All references must be in form of foot-notes with Font size 10 single spacing.
- For citation Bluebook style – 20th Edition should be followed.
- Co-authorship is not permitted.
- All the submissions must be submitted via Google form.
- Participants not adhering to the word limit will be marked negatively.
- The Articles are strictly meant to be an original work of authors/co-authors. Plagiarized articles will be disqualified.
- The article should not include any kind of political comment/hate speech which prejudices any community/group of people; such comment shall lead to immediate disqualification of the article.
Important Dates
- Date of release of notification: 26th November, 2020
- Last date of submission of article: 20th December, 2020
- Date of Result Declaration: First week of February, 2021.
- Top 3 entries will get merit e-certificate.
- Top entries would be considered for publication in our blog.
- The name of the winners will be displayed on the NUSRL Website.
- Separate intimation will also be sent to all the winners along with a Letter of Appreciation.
Email – [email protected]
For submission of the Blog Writing Competition by NLU Ranchi, Click Here.