Call for Papers: Fifth Annual Oxford Animal Ethics Summer School [UK, July 22-25]: Submit by Jan 1
Oxford announces its Fifth Annual Oxford Animal Ethics Summer School
Animal Ethics and Law:
Creating Positive Change for Animals
Date: 22 – 25 July, 2018
Collaboration: St Stephen’s House, University of Oxford in partnership with Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP.
Animal law has now become a recognised academic subject in its own right alongside animal ethics.
Papers are invited from academics worldwide on topics relating to animal law, animal ethics, and the relation between the two. We welcome a variety of perspectives that have a bearing on this relationship, including philosophical and religious ethics, historical, anthropological, scientific, psychological, and sociological perspectives.
Our particular focus is on how law can create positive change for animals, including the motivations and strategies for achieving legal reform and issues involving the administration, enforcement and effectiveness of existing legislation. We welcome perspectives from ethicists, legal scholars, barristers and solicitors, law enforcers, anti-cruelty inspectors, politicians, and opinion formers.
We are particularly interested in receiving contributions from countries worldwide in which animal legislation is developing as well as contributions from countries where such legislation is more established.
Abstracts of proposed contributions (no more than 300 words) should be sent to Clair Linzey via email: [email protected].
The deadline for abstracts is 1 January 2018.
Accepted papers will be considered for publication in a subsequent book volume or in the Journal of Animal Ethics.
The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics was founded in 2006 and pioneers ethical perspectives on animals through academic research, teaching, and publication.
The Ferrater Mora Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
91 Iffley Road, Oxford OX4 1EG
England United Kingdom
(+44) (0)1865 201565
[email protected]
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