About the Institute
Government Law College [GLC], Mumbai, established in 1855 is the oldest law college in Asia, a pioneer in legal education – an institution par excellence. The generations of legal luminaries who have been nurtured by this unique institution have made a seminal contribution to the evolution of the Indian Legal System.
Wildlife Conservation Trust (WCT) was envisioned to preserve and protect India’s rich natural heritage. Currently, WCT works in and around 160 Protected Areas across 23 states in the country covering 82% of India’s 50 tiger reserves.
About the Moot Competition
Government Law College, Mumbai, in association with the Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Initiative for Climate Action, presents the 2nd Wildlife Protection Government Law College National Online Moot Court Competition, 2020.
Government Law College, Mumbai, is pleased to invite a team from your esteemed institution to participate in the enriching experience of this Moot Court Competition. The theme for this year’s Moot Proposition is Critical Wildlife Habitats.
A unique feature of our Competition is a Panel Discussion which witnesses the representation of eminent personalities from the field of environmental law, wildlife conservation, media, etc. The panel discussion will provide teams the opportunity to learn from and interact with these diverse professionals.
Team Composition
Each team shall comprise of three (3) members only, consisting of two (2) speakers and one (1) researcher.
2.1 All registering colleges must provisionally register themselves by sending an email to [email protected]. Only after the provisional registration has been confirmed will a link to a Google Form and details for the payment of registration fees be provided.
2.2 The payment of registration fees of Rs. 1,800/- (Rupees one thousand eight hundred only) will be through NEFT. The details for making payment of registration fees via NEFT will be provided once the provisional registration has been confirmed.
2.3 All teams shall be given a “team code” by the Organizers on validation of their Registration form. Thereafter the teams shall use their designated “team code” for all correspondence with the Organizers.
2.4 The assigned “team code” must be used by the teams during the submission of Memorials and during all the Rounds of the Competition.
Important Dates
- Last date for registration for the competition: 28th October 2020
- Last date to seek clarifications: 8th November 2020
- Last date of submission of soft copies of Memorials: 20th November 2020
- Oral Rounds: 27th to 29th November 2020
If you require any further information or assistance with respect to this competition, you may email us at [email protected] or [email protected].
For the Moot Proposition Click HERE
For the Rules of the Competition Click HERE