About the Organiser:
Asian Law College is affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh (CCS) University, Meerut, approved by Bar Council of India (BCI) and is associated with the University of Cape Town (UCT). ALC follows an approach to legal education wherein learning experience is not only enlightening but also enriching and inspiring.
The Research and Development Cell at ALC provides a vigorous and highly visible research environment to its students to inculcate research culture. ALC with its team continues to regularly welcome external legal scholars, who support our vision by sharing ideas, pooling resources, and collaborating on findings promoting innovative research. The centre supports all kinds of scholarly activities like fundamental research & applied research.
About the Conference:
The main objective of this Conference is to stimulate research and discuss on the various issues concerning Labour Right’s & Migrant workers, Media Activism, E-Governance and Accountability etc. and, also to discuss better understanding on the rules, policies and the level of transparency in the Government Administration seeking the solutions in the global perspective. Governance is normally described as involving government, civil society and the private sector in managing the affairs of a nation, which means that the responsibility for managing the affairs of a nation is not limited to government alone, but includes a wide variety of stakeholders including: state government, local governments; the private sector; non-governmental and community-based organizations (NGOs/CBOs), the media, professional associations and other members of civil society. And each actor has a specific role to play based on its source of legitimacy and comparative advantage.
Venue: The Event and Technical Sessions will be conducted through Zoom. The joining details shall be notified to all the registered participants in advance.
The Conference invites Students, Academicians, Researchers, Scholars, and Practitioners with a keen interest in multidisciplinary research.
Registration Fees:
- Students: Rs. 750/-
- Research Scholars: Rs. 1100/-
- Academicians/Lawyers/Professionals: Rs.1500/-
- Co-author: Only two authors per paper permitted. The co-author has to register and pay the registration fee separately
Important Dates:
- Submission of Abstract: 28th September 2020
- Confirmation of abstract selection: 30th September 2020
- Submission of Registration fees and transaction details to be sent on: 3rd October, 2020
- Submission of Full paper (only Soft copies in .doc file): 10th October 2020
- Conference Date: 17th October 2020
Awards and Certificates:
There will be Best Paper Award for all 3 Categories [i.e. Student, Research Scholar and Academician/Lawyers/Professionals] along with Certificate of Merit. In Absentia will not be considered while evaluating the āBest Paperā category. Participation Certificate will be provided to all the registered participants
Contact Information:
For any queries please contact at: rdc[at]alc.edu.in
Contact Number: +91-9748847356
For registration form click here.
Please Note: Registration shall be deemed final only after receipt of registration fees.
For Brochure, clickĀ HERE