GCSL proudly announces the first session of The Athleta Legalus (ALA), a one day Quiz and Debate session on IPL and Law on 10th September 2015 in a bid to facilitate a serious discussion about this burgeoning issue in an informal format with attractive prizes.
About the event: The Cricket world has been in the spotlight in the last few weeks. The Justice Lodha Panel gave its decision in pursuance of the Supreme Court direction of determining the quantum of sanction to be taken against the accused in the IPL betting scam. Keeping the varied reaction in mind, the GCSL is hosting The Athleta Legalus, with an aim to shed some clarity into the recent Justice Lodha Panel report and its implications. The first part of the event will consist of a quiz which will be followed by The event will consist of a quiz followed by a debate session. GCSL is proud to announce that Hon’ble Justice (Retired) Mukul Mugdal who had a pivotal role to play in unraveling the underlying scandal in the IPL 6, will be adjudicating the debate session. The general theme running through both will be the IPL 6 and the controversy surrounding the same.
The general rules of the event are:
- Team Composition: 2 members
- Registration Fees: Rs. 600 per person
- Registration deadline: 01.09.2015
- For other details, please read the attached letter on rules and regulations of the event,
- For registration, sign up with the following link: ALA Registration Form
For any assistance please contact:
- Student Coordinator: Ms. Isha Dave (ishad11@gnlu.ac.in)
- Co- Coordinators: Vinay Narayan (vinay.narayan16@gmail.com) and Palak Nagar (palakmnagar@gmail.com)