About NLIU Bhopal:
The National Law Institute University has been successful in instilling a sense of broad perspective along with scholastic and reflexive capabilities bearing in mind larger national and humanitarian goals in its students Legal education never received the attention it deserved in this country. It is a paradox that the Constitution ushered in the ideal of rule of law and adopted the policy of development through law but little attention was paid to legal studies. For almost half a century study of law in Indian Universities has been in doldrums. It was increasingly realised by the professionals and academicians that the system of law teaching was thoroughly inadequate, unimaginative and divorced from the major public issues of the day but attempts to change have that have been few and far between.
It goes to the credit of Madhya Pradesh Government to realise that the policy of globalisation and liberalisation opened up new economic and developmental opportunities for the people. Trans-national and supranational regimes threw new challenges as much to economics and finance as to law and the legal profession. A trained cadre of dedicated and informed lawyers is needed to take up the responsibilities generated by the new developments all over the world.
Large law firms, professionals and consultants are needed not only to handle the multi-national legal issues but also to enrich the country by taking sensible and profitable national stance in order to make India a vibrant and strong economic power in the world. The legislators, the administrators and business leaders need to have a strong legal background to take up the emerging challenges and opportunities staring in the face today. The National Law Institute University (NLIU) has been established by Act No. 41 of 1997 of the Madhya Pradesh Legislature to fill the gap and providing most modern legal education through multidisciplinary teaching and training of newer skills needed for the profession. The University launched its first academic programme in 1998 and teaching for five year B.A. LL.B. (Hons.). course commenced from September 1 of that year.
About Prof. (Dr.) S. Surya Prakash: Prof. Prakash will be new vice chancellor of NLIU Bhopal. Presently Prof. Prakash is working as Vice-Chancellor, Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam on 24th December, 2018. Earlier he worked as Vice-Chancellor, Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad. Before joining at Aurangabad he was working as Professor of Law, National Law Institute University, Bhopal.
He had 30 years experience in academics and worked as Lecturer, Principal, DNR College of Law, Bhimavaram, AP, Faculty Member of NUJS, Kolkata and Principal, Law college, Nanded, Maharashtra before joining in NLIU, Bhopal. He obtained his B.L. from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P. and Master of Law from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P. with first class in the area of Labour and industrial Law. He was also awarded the University Prize’ V.N.Deekhitulu Award” for securing highest marks in the branch of Labour laws. Later he was awarded Ph.D. in law from Berhampur University, Odisha.
Prof. Surya Prakash is a prolific writer and wrote on several contemporary issues. His first work on ‘Bonded Labour and Social Justice’ was published by Deep and Deep Publishers, New Delhi(1990) and foreworded by Hon’ble Justice M. Jagannadha Rao, Judge, High Court of A.P. later became Judge, Supreme Court and Chairman, Law commission of India. He is also the author of ‘Turning Point’ The Story of a Law Teacher,(2009) the biography of Prof. N.R.Mahdava Menon, which also the story of National Law school movement in India. He has edited two books on ‘Critical Issues on International Commercial Arbitration'(2012) and ‘Perspectives on Mediation'(2012). He wrote 25 articles on various subjects including bonded labour, child labour, trade unions, sexual harassment of woman at work place, Indian Judiciary, Plea bargaining, mediation, International commercial arbitration, Human rights in reputed law journals. He presented more than 30 research papers in various national and International seminars and conferences. He also did Projects for DFID-GVT on Inter-state Migrant Labour, (2007) involved in Report writing of Project on Access to Justice,(2009) for the High Court of M.P. Prof. Surya Prakash prepared the Manual on Health Laws(2008) and Compendium on Agriculture and allied laws(2013) for the State of Madhya Pradesh. He is the founder editor of “Indian Law Review” Law journal of NLIU, Bhopal.
Prof. Surya Prakash was invited by the State Department, USA under the auspices of International Visitor Leadership Programme (IVLP) to study “U.S. Judicial System’ in 2010. The visit provided insights into US Judicial system including Judicial Training at Federal Judicial Center, Washington, Michigan State Judicial Center, Lansing and also the legal education in USA
At present he is also the Chairperson of Centre for Business and Commercial Law and the Faculty in charge, ADR Cell of NLIU, Bhopal. His areas of interest include Jurisprudence, ADR, International commercial Arbitration labour laws, Business Laws, and Health Law.