Prof.(Dr.) Ashok Ramappa Patil will be New Vice Chancellor of NUSRL Ranchi
About NUSRL Ranchi
National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi (NUSRL) was established by Act No. 4 of Jharkhand State Assembly in 2010. The University has subsequently been recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) in September 2011 u/s 22, u/s 12B in the year 2018 of the UGC Act of 1956 and Bar Council of India (BCI). The University started functioning in September 2010. At present, the University has more than 600 students on rolls in the undergraduate course. The University has been included as member of the CLAT w.e.f. CLAT 2012. At the undergraduate level, University loja virtual offers Five-year Integrated B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) degree Program which consists of ten semesters. The University also started its Research Program in January 2012. With modest beginning, the University is all set to compete with global academic standards with deftly crafted teaching-learning methodology. NUSRL endeavors to share the global opportunity in law as well as legal discipline. The University is having a full time and part time Ph.D. programme and also offering Executive Diploma in Child Rights & Child Protection, Mines & Minerals Law and P.G. Diploma in Tribal Law and Master in Law & Policy.
About Prof.(Dr.) Ashok Ramappa Patil
He completed his B.Sc. (Criminology & Forensic Science) (1993) , LL.B(1996), LL.M. (Mercantile Law) (1998) with First Rank, Ph.D.(2006) in Consumer Law under UGC Fellowship, all from Karnataka University, Dharwad; NET, Diploma in Computer Application, Certificate Course on Cyber Law, NCC “C” Certificate, NSS Certificate, Accredited Mediator (IIAM).
He practised before High Court of Karnataka till 1999. He worked as a Lecturer at KLES B.V. Bellad Law College, Belgaum, from 1999 to 2007. Later he also worked as a Principal of the same college from 2007 to 2008. He joined NLSIU in August 2008 as an Associate Professor and administers the Chair on Consumer Law & Practice. He was promoted as a Professor in 2011. He has conducted many training programs for consumer club teachers, Non-Governmental Organization, consumer forum members. He has published more than 25 articles and three books. He is a chief editor of ‘International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice’ and Bi-Annual Newsletter ‘March of Consumer Law and Practice’. He is also the Reviewer-in-charge of International Journal on Global Science and Technology Forum Journal of Law and Social Sciences. He has presented many research papers at the International and National Conferences, Seminars and Workshops. His area of specialization is Consumer Protection Laws, Law of Torts, Insurance Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
He has done research work in Singapore, United States of America, South Africa, Turkey, France, Srilanka and Australia on Consumer Protection Issues. He is an Executive Council Member of ‘International Association for Consumer Law’.
He has got ASIAN LAW INSTITUTE’S FELLOWSHIP in 2010 and visited National University of Singapore for research in Consumer Protection Issues. He also got the prestigious National Award “LEGAL EDUCATION INNOVATION AWARD-2013” by a Jury appointed by Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF) and Menon Institute for Legal Advocacy and Training (MILAT). Under his leadership in 2014 Legal Service Clinic won a ‘International MacJannet’ Award. He is a member of Inter-ministerial Monitoring Committee on Issue of Misleading Advertisements and Review Committee on Consumer Protection Amendment Bill, 2011. He is also a member of Drafting Committee on Consumer protection Bill, 2015. He is also nominated as a member to the ‘Central Consumer Protection Council’ by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Government of India for the period of 2015-2017.
He was the Chief Warden at the Halls of Residence, Faculty Advisor for Sports, Faculty Co-ordinator for Distance Education Department and Centre of Child and Law. Currently he is the Chairperson of the Under Graduate Council and Faculty Advisor for Legal Services Clinic.
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