National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam an institution of eminence in the field of legal education and research, is a residential University established by the National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam Act, 2009 and is the fourteenth National Law University in the country. The University is committed to achieving excellence in the field of legal education by promoting innovative research in the field of Law, Social Sciences and Humanities.
National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam invites applications from eligible candidates for admission to the Ph.D. Degree Programme of the University.
Test Centre
Entrance Test for Ph.D Degree Programme 2022 will be conducted at National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam, Amingaon, Hajo Road, Kamrup, Guwahati – 31.
Fee structure of the Ph.D Prorapmme of the University is attached herewith as Annexure I
Note: The fee structure is subject to revision by Statutory Bodies of the University from time to time.
All correspondence relating to admissions should be made to the Registrar, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.
The Application Form (Annexure II) can be downloaded from the University website and the filled- in form should be submitted along with self-attested testimonials and a Demand Draft for Rs.1,000/- for Indian Nationals (Rs.750/- for SC/ST), drawn in favour of “Registrar, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam” payable at Guwahati. The duly filled-in form must reach the Registrar on or before July 15, 2022. Applications received after the last date shall not be accepted.
Note: The University reserves the right to revise the pattern of the admission test, procedure for admission and fee structure.
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