1. Qualifications:
- (a) A Master’s Degree in Law with 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed) in a concerned/relevant/allied subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign University; and
- (b) Research Aptitude; demonstrated with quality publications in the relevant field.GENERAL CONDITIONS
- All appointments are subject to Regulations of the University framed from time to time and subject to the approval of the Executive Council of the University.
- Candidates shall carry Resume, Curriculum vitae and shall affix a recent passport size photograph on the same.
- Candidates shall bring the original and photocopies of the below mentioned documents for the purpose of verification:i. All documents related to educational qualifications such as 10th, 12th, Degree / Diploma Page 1 of 2
2. Pay Scale: Consolidated / Clock Hour Basis.
Note: Preference will be given to the candidates having experience in teaching along with Ph.D. / UGC NET / SET qualified in Law.
(both Statement of Marks as well as Certificates) Certificates of Ph.D. / UGC NET / SET and any other documents relating to the educational qualifications;
ii. Approval letter(s) in case of teachers appointed in the affiliated colleges / recognized institutions (for experience purpose);
iii. Certificate(s) of teaching / administrative experience issued by the Competent Authority; and
iv. Birth Certificate / SSC Certificate or other Government documents as a proof of Date of Birth.
4. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for appearing in the Interview process.
Candidates shall have to remain present at their own expenses for Interview.
Date of Walk-in Interview: June 19, 2024 (Wednesday) & Reporting Time: 9:00 a.m.
Note: The Cut-off Reporting Time for the above mentioned process is 11:00 a.m.
For any Queries please contact the Office of the Deputy Registrar on the below mentioned contact details:
E-mail Id.: [email protected]
Landline No.: 0712-2812606
Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur Waranga, PO: Dongargaon (Butibori),
Nagpur – 441 108