NLU Jodhpur’s Journal on Corporate Law & Governance, Volume 2 Issue 2: Submit till Oct 8

The broad theme of the Journal for Volume II Issue II is -“RBI & SEBI: The Evolved Gatekeepers to the Indian Financial System post 2014”

  1. FDI Policy 2016: Hits and Misses
  2. NSE IPO listing: The two sides to coin
  3. A new perspective on dealing with ‘stressed assets’ in India
  4. The Recent Changes in Indian Merger Control
  5. The Controversy of Control & SEBI Consultation paper on Brightline Tests
  6. On-tap Licensing Regime in the Indian Banking Sector

Any other article on the general theme but outside the scope of the sub-themes is also welcome.

Submission Guidelines

Please note that the submissions must conform to the following requirements:

  • The acceptable length of Articles is between 5000-8000 words, and of Notes and Comments is between 3000-5000 words, including footnotes.
  • All submissions must include an abstract of not more than 300 words, explaining the main idea, objective of the article and the conclusions drawn from it.
  • The Article should be on A4 sized paper, in Garamond, font size 12, 1.5 line Spacing and 1 inch margins on each side. Footnotes should be in font size 10 and with single line spacing. The Authors should conform to the Harvard Bluebook (19th edition) system of citation.
  • Authors should provide their contact details, designation and institutional affiliation in the covering letter for the submission. Each submission may have up to two authors.
  • The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to direct rejection. The relevant sources should be duly acknowledged as footnotes. The decision of the Editorial Board in this regard shall be final..

The deadline for receipt of submissions has been extended to 8th October, 2016.
Authors of the shortlisted submissions will be intimated regarding the review process.

Submission Procedure

Authors are requested to send an electronic version of their manuscripts (.doc or .docx format) to [email protected] with the subject as “Submission- [Name of Author] –Volume II Issue II.” The document name must be in the following format “[Name of Authors(s)]-[Title of submission].” All queries may be addressed to the Editorial Board on the aforementioned email address.

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