One week Online Certificate Programme
in collaboration with Hermes Consulting, Trakya University Techno Park,
Date: 20- 25 January, 2022
‘Sustainable development’ is defined as the ‘development that meets the needs of the present while safeguarding Earth’s life-support system, on which the welfare of current and future generations depends.’1 As per the new paradigm, the sustainable development should meet the needs of earth’s life support system, society and economy. The sustainble business development will accordingly include environment sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability for any business. It is imperative to mention here the Sustainable Development Goals which provide a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all” and the countries have to achieve such goals by 2030.
Women as entrepreneurs or as business managers share the responsibility of adopting the sustainable business model. Broadly speaking, the business landscape of every country is shadowed by its legal and regulatory framework and policies for promotion of women’s role in business or in economic development of the country. Women empowerment has been the buzz word for more than one decade across the world under which efforts have been made by governments in providing support to women for their upliftment not only socially but in their entrepreneurial and other professional ventures. The focus has been to bring women on the forefront for achieving economic sustainibility. In this context, the Centre for Corporate Law and Governance, National Law University Delhi3 in collaboration with Herme Consulting, Trakya University Techno Park4 is offering one week online certificate programme on ‘Women and Sustainable Business Development’. The programme has been specially designed to provide training to women for establing and running a sustainable business. The programme will directly cover SDGs 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10 and many more indirectly.
No of seats: 20 seats are avaliable for partcipants who want to avail the certifcate. All such participants will be required to attend all sessions of the programme. Additional seats without certification will be also available for particpants who wish to attend any specific sessions. Last date for registration is Jan 15, 2022.
Eligibility for Registration: Participants have to indicate relevance of the programme for their work, studies or research.
No Registration Fee: The first edition of the programme is offered free to interested participants.
Evaluation through Assignments- Participants would be asked to write a short assignment on learnings from the Program
Programme Coordinators: Harpreet Kaur, Kiymet Tunca Çalıyurt and Mamta Bhatia
Programme Assistants: Ms. Anoosha Panwar and Ms Priynasha Hajela (Ph.D Scholars- NLUD)
Website for the Programme: https://www.hermeconsulting.com/certificate-programmes
Registration form: Completed registration form by the interested candidates should be submitted to [email protected] on or before Jan 15, 2022.
For More Details Click HERE