About the Webinar:
There is no dearth of Labour Laws to protect workers in organized and unorganized sectors across the globe. However, there is a dearth of quality administration, governance, and enforcement of Labour laws meant to protect workers in one form or another. The State Agencies created by the
governments for Labour law governance and enforcement are also reluctant to enforce Labour law in their respective jurisdiction.
Liberalisation, Privatisation and globalization, up to some extent, are also responsible for diluting the enforcement of Labour law for the promotion of trade and business by ignoring the sustainable development of all the stakeholders involved in the production, distribution, or supply of goods and services in all the sectors across the globe. Workers’ associations or Unions have also failed to ensure strict compliance with Labour laws. This Intentional Webinar is designed to examine and explore the impediments in the quality enforcement of Labour laws and submit appropriate declarations to the Labour law and policy institutions.
- The dearth of Empirical data to evaluate the effectiveness of enforcement of labor laws.
- A dearth of Labour law Enforcement Infrastructure- skilled manpower, IT infrastructure, etc. for effective and quality governance of Labour law
- Dilution of Inspection system for industrial development and enforcement of Labour law
- Effectiveness of the Labour tribunals in providing speedy and economical justice
- Empowering workers for demanding Labour law enforcement
- Enforcement of Labour rights through Civil proceedings:Effectiveness
- Enforcement of law through criminal prosecution proceedings:Effectiveness
- Impact of Liberalization, Privatization and globalization on enforcement, administration of Labour law
- Labour Administration of Social Security Schemes in Organized and Unorganized Sector Workers: ESI, EPF, ECA, PGA, MBA, MNREGA, etc,
- Labour Law Administration of Industrial Relations- IDA, TUs, Etc.
- Labour Law Administration of Labour Welfare Measures- Workers’ Welfare Boards, Statutory and Voluntary Welfare Schemes, etc.
- Labour Law Administration of Law Governing OSH- Safety, health, Occupational and Employment Injury.
- Labour Law Administration of Law Governing Wage- Bonus, Minimum wages, Equal Remuneration
- Labour law Controlling/facilitating Contract workers; Administration and Enforcement.
- Liability of Principal Employers and Labour Contractors for enforcement of Labour law
- Liability of the State in diluting quality enforcement of labour law
- Quality of enforcement ofOSH rights by DGFASLI, etc
- Role of ILO in Promoting Meticulous compliance and enforcement ofLabour Laws
- Role of the Judiciary in enforcing workers rights
- Role of the State- Central and State Labour administrative Agencies in quality Enforcement of Labour laws
- Role of trade Unions in supporting/coercing Labour law enforcement
- Any other topic directly or indirectly related to the administration, governance and enforcement of Labour law.
Call for Articles:
Articles, including field studies, from scholars, researchers, bar & bench, law firms, teachers, and NGOs/civil societies are invited. One co-author is permitted. Research articles for inclusion in the Webinar shall be subject to the approval ofthe Committee. Selective quality articles will be published in a book titled “Labour Law Enforcement” with ISBN after completion ofthe Webinar.
An abstract of a minimum of 500 words should be submitted first. The abstract must also indicate the specificresearchissuesandtheSchemeOfPresentation. ItmustbetypedinTimesNewRoman, Font Size 12 on A4 size paper with 1″ margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS Word application. References should follow the Standard Indian Legal Citation (SILC) standard of footnoting. Endnotes are not allowed. At the end of the paper, the author should have a brief profile with Email ID, contact number, and address.
Important Dates
SubmissionofAbstracts : Notification of Acceptance : Submission of complete articles:
8th March 2024 12th March 2024 23rd March 2024
The Abstracts, Articles and Registration details shall be submitted to the Convener, with Heading LLE-March 2024, to [email protected]. Abstracts received after the stipulated deadline will
not be entertained for participation in the Webinar.
Registration Charges: May be paid by 25th March 2024
Registration Charges for Participation: Rs. 1000- Indian and $ 20-Others Registration for Paper Presentation Rs. 2000-Indian and $ 30-Others Payment LINK: https://rzp.io/l/DV4sidkrDk
a) All participants, including co-authors, must pay the requisite registration charges and submit the details to the email ID.
b) There shall be”No refund of registration charges”at any stage of the Webinar.
c) NO certificate will be issued in absentia.
d) The participants’ attendance would be recorded ONLINE for all the sessions.75%attendance of the total period is a MUST for ANY Certificate for participation.
For any Clarifications: Heading LLE-March 2024 and mail to: [email protected]
For More Details Click HERE