About the Centre for Communication Governance
The Centre for Communication Governance at National Law University Delhi was established in 2013 to ensure that Indian legal education establishments engage more meaningfully with information law and policy, and to contribute to improved governance and policy making. CCG is the only academic research centre dedicated to working on information law and policy in India, and in a short span of time has become a leading institution in the region.
Through its Technology and Society team, CCG seeks to embed human rights, constitutional rights and good governance within information policy and examine the evolution of existing rights frameworks to accommodate new media and emerging technology. It seeks to protect and expand the right to freedom of speech, right to dignity and equality, right to assembly and association, and the right to privacy in the digital age, through rigorous academic research, policy intervention, and capacity building. The team’s ongoing work includes privacy and data governance/protection, platform regulation, and intermediary liability, freedom of speech and expression, misinformation, and regulation of emerging technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, 5G and IoT.
This complements the work of the Technology and National Security team at CCG that focuses on issues that arise at the intersection of technology and national security law, including cyber security, information warfare, and the interplay of international legal norms with domestic regulation. The team’s work aims to build a better understanding of national security issues in a manner that identifies legal and policy solutions that balance the legitimate security interests and national security choices with constitutional liberties and the rule of law, in the context of technology law and policy. The team undertakes analysis of international law as well as domestic laws and policies that have implications for national security. Our goal is to develop detail- oriented, principled and pragmatic recommendations for policy makers on national security issues faced by India, with an emphasis on cyber security and cyber conflict.
The work at CCG is designed to build competence and raise the quality of discourse in research and policy around issues concerning human rights and constitutional rights in the digital age, cybersecurity and global Internet governance. The academic research and policy output is intended to catalyze effective research-led policy making and informed public debate around issues in technology, Internet governance and information law and policy.
The work done by CCG can broadly be divided into the following categories:
- Policy work: CCG undertakes policy engagements with various government institutions and ministries on key policy issues including data protection, artificial intelligence, open digital ecosystems, intermediary liability, online free speech, content regulation, national security, cybersecurity and internet governance.
- Academic research and writing: CCG regularly publishes academic writing on various subjects of information law and policy such as data privacy, online speech, platform regulation, artificial intelligence, national security, cybersecurity, and internet governance.
- Research projects: CCG has various ongoing research grants and projects around data protection and privacy, online speech, platform regulation, artificial intelligence, national security, cybersecurity, algorithmic accountability, misinformation and internet governance.
- Blogs and Op-eds: We regularly update content on the CCG blog, while also writing other articles and op-eds.
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