26 JUNE 2023 TO 7 JULY 2023
The National Law University Delhi (NLUD) and the Law Environment and Development Centre (LEDC), SOAS University of London, offer a two-week online certificate course on climate justice titled ‘Climate Justice and Climate Law: South-North Perspectives’ from 26 June-7 July 2023.
The course will focus on the intersection between climate justice and climate change law and policy, framed around understanding justice linked to equity within and among countries. The central axis for understanding climate justice at the international level is differentiation, or the idea that equity requires the global North to do more than the global South in addressing climate change. At the national level, inequality calls for ensuring that the most marginalised and poorest citizens are not made to bear the brunt of policies addressing climate change. This course will frame these issues by emphasising the global South-global North dimensions of the international climate change regime and focusing on India as one significant example for understanding climate justice at the national level.
The course will bring together experts from the global South and global North. It will employ a unique pedagogical approach of combining lectures, class exercises, self-study and course work. Roundtable discussions and interactive talks with experts also form an integral part of the programme.
1. Course Outline
Week 1
Day 1. Climate change – scientific, economic and social context (26 June 2023). Day 2. The international climate change regime (27 June 2023).
Day 3. Principles of the international climate change regime (28 June 2023). Day 4. Politics of climate change and energy policy (29 June 2023).
Day 5. Climate justice (30 June 2023).
Week 2
Day 6. Law and policy responses in South Asia: Adaptation, mitigation and resilience (3 July 2023). Day 7. Carbon markets, carbon finance and equity (4 July 2023).
Day 8. Liability, loss & damage and disaster risk management (5 July 2023).
Day 9. Human rights, displacement and migration (6 July 2023).
Day 10. Climate Change-related Litigation (7 July 2023). [Subject to change]
2. Application Eligibility
As a course that demands extensive interactions, the enrolment will be limited and highly selective. We welcome applications from students and graduates across the world interested in Environmental Law and policy or, more specifically, climate change law and policy:
● Candidates with an undergraduate degree in any field (law, environmental science, development studies, political science, economics, or any other discipline) from a recognised university (for Indian students, with a minimum of 55% marks, in the UK, a 2:1 or equivalent elsewhere).
● Students enrolled for Undergraduate, Post-Graduate and Doctoral Programmes in any field. ● Working professionals
There shall be no restriction regarding age, nationality, and gender in the admission process.
3. Attendance, Assessment and Certificate
The course shall be for two weeks. Online classes shall be held between 2 pm and 10 pm IST (9.30 am- 5 pm UTC+1). A minimum of 80% attendance and timely completion of assessments is mandatory for enrolled students to receive the certificate.
4. Application Procedure
Candidates interested in applying for this certificate course should formally apply through this link. The application should contain the following documents:
1. Detailed curriculum vitae.
2. Motivation letter (max 400 words) indicating why you are applying and how this course would be helpful in the future. Preference will be given to those with a demonstrated interest in the subject matter.
The selection committee shall consider the resume, motivation letter, and academic and professional background in shortlisting the candidates. The committee shall also consider the diversity of experiences during the selection process. The shortlisted candidates will be contacted by 31 May 2023.
Incomplete applications and late applications will be rejected.
5. Application Deadline
The last date to apply is 15 May 2023 (11.30 pm IST/ 7 pm UTC+1). Applications received after this date and time will not be accepted.
6. Seats Available
The certificate course shall have an intake of 30 students. 5 seats each shall be reserved for students from SOAS and NLUD.
7. Course Fees
The course is free.
The course will be conducted online.
The application process is online, and no applications sent by post will be accepted.
Due to the limited number of seats, scrutiny of applications shall be based on resumes and motivation letters.
Only selected candidates will be contacted via e-mail. If you do not hear from us by the first week of June 2023, please assume that your application has not succeeded. Unfortunately, we cannot reply to individual queries about the status of applications.
At the end of the course, digital certificates will be provided to participants who will have attended the entire course and done the required assessment
For queries/questions regarding this course, contact [email protected].