The National Law School of India University is glad to announce the appointment of the School Review Commission 2023-24 (SRC), comprising Prof. Timothy Endicott as the Chair, and Prof. Catherine O’Regan and Prof David B. Wilkins as Members. The SRC has been appointed by the Chancellor of the University, the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India Dr. D. Y. Chandrachud, in consultation with the Government of Karnataka. The SRC shall undertake a comprehensive review of all aspects of the University and submit its recommendations to the Chancellor in mid-2024.
Prof. Timothy Endicott is presently the Vinerian Professor of English Law, University of Oxford and Former Dean of the Oxford Law Faculty for two terms, from 2007 to 2015. Prof Endicott was appointed by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in 2016 to a Cátedra de Excelencia and was a Distinguished Visitor in the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.
“Serving on this Commission gives us an opportunity to learn about the groundbreaking developments in legal education that are underway at NLS Bangalore, and also to be closely involved in a very exciting future. I really hope that this review will be an occasion for the whole National Law School community to reflect on what can be done, and to look ahead with the highest ambitions and expectations.” – Prof. Timothy Endicott
Prof. David B. Wilkins is presently the Lester Kissel Professor of Law, Vice Dean for Global Initiatives on the Legal Profession, and Faculty Director of the Center on the Legal Profession at the Harvard Law School. Prof Wilkins’ current scholarly projects include Globalization, Lawyers, and Emerging Economies, where he directs over 50 researchers studying the impact of globalization on the market for legal services in rapidly developing countries including India.
“This is a pivotal time for the legal profession, both in India and around the world. Since its founding in 1986, NLSIU has established itself as a pre-eminent center for teaching and scholarship, producing leaders in every sector of society. I look forward to working with the other members of this distinguished commission, and with the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India and the rest of the NLSIU community, to explore how this important institution can continue to build on this rich legacy of accomplishment to prepare the next generations of graduates to meet the challenges of a changing world.” – Prof. David B. Wilkins
Prof. Catherine O’Regan has been the inaugural Director of the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and Professor of Human Rights Law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford since 2016. Prof O’Regan’s fifteen-year term as a Judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa ended in 2009. Prof O’Regan has also served as an ad hoc judge of the Supreme Court of Namibia and Chairperson of the Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry into allegations of police inefficiency and a breakdown in trust between the police and the community of Khayelitsha, South Africa.
“It is an honour to be asked to serve as a member of the NLSIU School Review Commission. I hope that the Commission will provide a valuable opportunity for reflection by the broader NLSIU community on what the NLSIU has already achieved, as well as the opportunities and challenges that the NLSIU will face in the years ahead.” – Prof. Catherine O’Regan
While engaging with the SRC, the Hon’ble Dr Justice D. Y. Chandrachud observed that the NLSIU has done very well as an experiment and succeeded in reshaping Indian legal education. The Chancellor suggested to the SRC that their Review will provide an opportunity for the University to reflect and grow, particularly to not just train students, but also help academics develop their highest potential. The Chancellor further noted that the task before this SRC would extend beyond submission of review findings, and would be a forward glance on the future of NLSIU and of legal and policy education in India.
The Vice-Chancellor of NLSIU, Prof. (Dr.) Sudhir Krishnaswamy remarked on the appointment of the SRC:
“The Commission brings together pre-eminent global academics who have designed and shaped legal education across three continents. Their experience and wisdom will help NLS reflect on our role and contribution to consolidating the rule of law and constitutional democracy in India. As India grows in global stature, the SRC will help NLS re-position itself in the global conversation regarding the future.”
The SRC 2023-24 shall undertake an extensive review including consultations with all University stakeholders over the coming months as they prepare their Report. For the first time in the history of the University, the Report of the SRC will be released publicly in accordance with the commitment of the Chancellor and the Members to ensure the highest standards of transparency, and to enhance the utility of the Review.
NLSIU was the first National Law University established in India in 1986 to be a pioneer in legal education. The premier law school was set up with a mission to pioneer legal education reforms, and to anchor the transformation of the Indian legal system through research and policy interventions. Over the last three decades, the University has consistently been an innovative leader in legal education and research in India. It has been ranked First among Law Universities in every significant ranking including the National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) which has ranked NLS as the top law school for the last six years.
Section 14 of the National Law School of India Act, 1986 mandates the appointment of a School Review Commission comprising three eminent educationists to review the working of the University. Two Commissions have been constituted previously to review the workings of the University. In 1996, an Expert Panel comprising Prof Marc Galanter, Prof Savitri Goonesekere and Prof William Twining reviewed the University and advised on future directions. In 2007 – 2008, a Commission was appointed that was chaired by Justice K. T. Thomas, former judge of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, and included as its members Prof (Dr) Virendra Kumar and Prof (Dr) MP Singh.
In 2021, the University developed the ‘NLSIU Inclusion and Expansion Plan 2021-25’ which rests on three key dimensions: Student Inclusion & Expansion, Faculty & Research, and Finance & Infrastructure. Under this plan, we have already expanded intake across our academic programmes from 190 students per annum (AY 2020-21) to 560 students per annum (AY 2023-24), which has helped accommodate students from diverse backgrounds from across the country. In the last three Academic Years, we have recruited 68 highly accomplished faculty across disciplines from the top universities, and have intensified our efforts toward increasing research output. Our physical infrastructure has grown to accommodate the expansion of the University including new classrooms, improved hostels and residential amenities, and a reimagined and redeveloped academic library that is among the best in the country. The University has also adopted and implemented a comprehensive digital transformation of all academic, administrative and residential processes under this Plan.
The Commission will be announcing details regarding stakeholder consultations shortly. Please follow the NLS website for further updates. You may also reach out to the Office of the Commission at [email protected]
Please find the official press release here.