About the Event
School of Law, Sharda University is organizing a National Seminar on Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Economic Growth: Prospects and Challenges which was scheduled for 9th April 2020 and was cancelled and now rescheduled for 3rd October 2020 as a Virtual Seminar.
About the Seminar
Intellectual property refers to mind creation: inventions, works of literature and art, and symbols, names, and images used in commerce. Intellectual property rights have been widely recognized as a catalyst for development in global economies as a whole. Intellectual property rights regime can impact the cycle of growth through an economy’s domestic and external sector. Intellectual property rights can promote economic growth in
recipient countries through different channels.The most important is the transition of technology and its positive spillovers. Therefore, Intellectual property rights exert economic growth, which requires productivity growth; productivity growth requires technological innovation to increase and it requires efficient protection of Intellectual Property Rights.
Call for Papers
Seminar papers are invited from:
⢠Scholars and students
It is also proposed that the selected papers by the Committee will be published in a special volume on the seminar in the form of an edited book with ISBN No. Author of selected papers would be given an opportunity to present their papers as per requirement of the theme during sessions on the day of the seminar.
This National Seminar offers an opportunity to Researchers, Academicians and students to come together and share their valuable thoughts, impression and research studies on the following issues relating to majors themes of changing dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in present economic Scenario:
⢠Impact and Enforcement of TRIPS Agreement
⢠Patent Laws, Indian Innovations and Licensing Policies
⢠Geographical Indication on Food & Biodiversity and Its Impact
⢠Traditional Knowledge and contribution in economic growth
⢠Challenges of Copyrights and Cyberspace
⢠Emergence of Designs and Trademark Laws / Trade Secrets and Competition Law in Liberalized Economy.
Submission Guidelines
The Abstract should not be more than 500 words and the Full paper should not exceed 3500-4000 words. Paper must be must be typed in Times New Roman font size 12 on A4 size paper with 1″ margin on all sides with 1.5 line spacing using MS Word. The ILI citation method must be strictly adhered to while submitting the abstract and full papers. The abstract and full paper shall be shared on the mentioned Google form HERE
Payment DetailsÂ
For Students AND Research Scholars: Rs. 500/-
For Academicians/Professionals/Research Scholars: Rs. 750/-
Bank Account Details:
- Name of Account Holder: Sharda University, School of Law
- Account no. 912010034705440
- IFSC: UTIB0000624
- Bank Name & Address: Axis bank Ltd., Alpha Commercial Belt, Greater Noida
In case of any query mail at [email protected]
For The Brochure Click HERE