Interested and eligible candidates are hereby invited to attend walk-in-interview for the post of Field Assistant on contractual basis for DPIIT CHAIR on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) under the Scheme for Pedagogy & Research in IPRs for Holistic Education & Academia (SPRIHA). The position is initially for a period of three months. The services may further be extended depending upon the performance of the candidate and the extension of the IPR Chair.
Interview Date: 08.01.2024 from 12.00 noon onwards in the Administrative Block, NLUJA, Assam.
About the IPR Chair:
The Chair on IPR at NLUJA, Assam was instituted by Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India with the vision to facilitate Intellectual Property Education and Research. The overall objectives of the IPR Chair are laid out in the Scheme for Pedagogy & Research in IPRs for Holistic Education & Academia (SPRIHA).
Job responsibility: The Field Assistant is to provide support to IPR Chair in undertaking field
work, data collection, data analysis etc.
Qualification: Candidates holding a graduate degree in any field.
Compensation: Remuneration @ Rs. 10,000/- per month.
Interview Date: Interested and eligible candidates are hereby invited to attend walk-in-interview on 08.01.2024 from 12.00 noon onwards in Administrative Block, NLUJA, Assam.
Desirous candidates having requisite qualifications and fulfilling other eligibility conditions are to attend interview along with photocopies of testimonials in support of their qualification, publications, experience as well as No Objection Certificate from the present employer, if applicable on 08.01.2024 at 12.00 noon. in the Administrative Block, NLUJA, Assam.
General Instructions:
- Reading, Writing and Speaking of Assamese Language and English are compulsory to qualify for any of these advertised jobs.
- No TA/DA will be paid to candidates attending the interview
- The University reserves the right to reject applications/terminate the service of the incumbent at any point of time.
- Applicants must be skilled in the usage of computer.
- Only such candidates, who will be able to join the post immediately, are advised to apply.
- The selected candidates would be informed over telephone, email etc., and so they are advised to mention their correct contact telephone number, email Id etc., in their resume.
- The University reserves the right to withdraw the advertised posts at any time.
- The University reserves the right to conduct interviews to fill the positions after an internal screening process.