Nature and mother are inseparable and hence called ‘mother nature’. Mother creates and nature sustains. As the manager of household or oikonomos, mother gives birth to ‘Economics’. The major source of funds for financial industry is household savings. If women lags behind in terms of freedom and power, mankind cannot progress. Hence is the connection between sustainability and gender.
Centre for Studies in Banking and Finance, established by the Reserve Bank of India at National Law University, Jodhpur (CSBF) invites papers from academics, professionals, NGOs, policy makers, regulators and researchers for the ‘National Conference on Sustainability and Gender Connection’ on 29-30 January 2016.
Broad Themes:
The major areas to be covered are role of women in
- environmental sustainability,
- economic sustainability
- financial sustainability
Due Dates:
Paper submission: 30 July 2015
Notification of selection of paper: 14 August 2015
Remitting fees: 30 August 2015
Final paper submission: 30 September 2015
For more details, click HERE