About Delhi Judicial Academy:
The Delhi Judicial Academy envisions strengthening the justice delivery system through offering continuous Justice Education and Training aimed at not only to build the capacities of the judges, their skills in adjudication, docket as well as court management but to sensitize them about the core constitutional values and also to enforce legally ordained “morality of duty” and “morality of aspiration” in a way which does not lose the sight of “morality of survival” in a country like India. Apart from imparting judicial education and training to judges from Delhi, other states and from some of the SAARC countries, the Academy undertakes capacity building and sensitization programmes for other functionaries of the justice delivery system in India to comprehensively achieve its vision of imparting quality.
Job description:
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals born on or after 1st August 1993 for the appointment of 3 Law Researchers at Delhi Judicial Academy, initially for a period of one year on a contract basis extendable by another one year, at the sole discretion of the Appointing Authority.
The candidate must be a Law Graduate from a recognized university. Those who have appeared for the final examination may also apply. Such candidates, however, will have to produce the proof of having passed the final law examination by the date fixed for holding the interview.
Rs. 30,000 per month.
Application Procedure:
The applications shall be submitted in the prescribed form (Annexure” 1 “).
The application shall bear the recent passport size photograph of the applicant and accompanied by self attested copies of relevant documents in support of the information supplied against column no. 9, 10, 11 and 12. The application shall be submitted in a closed envelcpe, clearly mentioning on the envelope “Application for appointment as Law Researcher at Delhi Judicial Academy“, addressed to the Director (Administration), Delhi Judicial Academy, Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi-l10078. The application should reach the Academy on or before 25.09.2020 by 4:00 p.m.
The applications be also forwarded through email i.e. Establishment-dja@nic:.in alongwith scanned documents.
Applications which are incomplete, unsigned and received after prescribed date and time, shall be rejected summarily and no enquiry will be entertained in this regard.
For more details, click HERE