Applications are invited from qualified Indian Citizens for temporary appointment as
Research Assistant in the High Court of Kerala. Appointment will be for a period of two
years only. Candidates shall apply online through the recruitment portal of the High Court
(http://hckrecruitment.nic.in/). No other means / modes of application will be accepted.
1.Honorarium : ₹30,000/- per month.
2. Number of vacancies : 33
3. Qualification: Graduation in Law. Final year/semester law students are also eligible
to apply. Applications of final year/semester law students will be considered only on
production of the final year mark list and percentage certificate within 45 days from
the date of closure of Step II process (Refer clause 14(c)).
4. Mode of Selection: Selection will be on the basis of the viva voce examination.
5. Age Limit: Candidates born between 26.08.1992 and 25.08.1998 (both days
inclusive) are eligible to apply for this post. (The select list prepared pursuant to this
notification will be kept valid for a period of two years. But the name of a candidate
who attains 28 years of age shall be deleted from the list as and when he/she attains that age)
Application Procedure
Eligible candidates are required to apply ‘ONLINE’ only through the
Recruitment Portal www.hckrecruitment.nic.in. The online application process
has two parts – Step I and Step-II. ‘Step-I/New Applicant is the first part of the
registration of the applications.’ ‘Step-II/ Registered Applicant’ is the second part
of the process for those applicants who completes Step-I. A candidate’s online
application is complete only if he/she completes both the steps which
include the submission of applications by clicking the ‘FINAL
SUBMISSION’ option available in Step-II process.
For More Details Click HERE