About the University and the Event:
The Centre for Transnational Commercial Law at The National Law University, Delhi, supported by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) and the UNCITRAL RCAP, in collaboration with INSOL India are happy to announce the 2020 Moot Competition on Insolvency and Bankruptcy. The inaugural edition of the competition was held during 28-29th October 2017 at the National Law University, Delhi, India.
The theme of the 2020 edition is ‘Corporate Insolvency Resolution, including issues on Individual Guarantors and Cross-Border Insolvency’. Teams will be shortlisted based on the quality of submissions. In the oral rounds, teams will make the arguments on merits to industry experts acting as judges. The moot will be conducted on a virtual platform, due to the prevailing Covid-19 situation. The safety and well-being of all the participants and judges is paramount. In case there is an improvement in circumstances and a change in the applicable Government regulations, they will decide accordingly and inform the participants.
1. The competition is conducted in the English language. It is open to teams from professionally accredited law schools/colleges and management schools/colleges. Each eligible college may register only one team in the Competition.
2. A team can consist of no less than two and no more than four students, who shall be enrolled as full-time or part-time students of any degree in law or business, in the college/university they represent at the time of the Competition. However, no team member may have already been admitted or licensed to practice Law/CA/CS/CMA in any jurisdiction at the time of oral pleadings.
3. Teams shall not alter composition or members after submission of the list of team members at the time of registration, except upon written permission of CTCL based on a showing of extraordinary circumstances. In the Oral Rounds, no substitution will be permitted after the commencement of the first argument unless the number of team members drops below two.
4. The written submissions made by teams shall be the work of the student team members only.
5. Each team will be assigned a team code by the organizing committee. Teams shall identify themselves within their memorials only by use of this anonymous identifier. During the Oral rounds, team members shall avoid identifying their college or University to the judges.
1. Each Team must register for the Moot by completing the Registration Form on or before 30 September 2020.
2. Registration fee for the Moot is INR 3000 per team for national teams. The registration fee for international teams is US$ 100.
3. The registration fee for the Moot is to be paid through an Online Payment Portal which shall be specified to the teams in due course, once the shortlisted teams have been notified on 15 November 2020. Such notified teams are required to email a screenshot of the online payment confirmation to [email protected] latest by 25 November, 2020.
Contact Information:
Dr. Risham Garg (faculty coordinator) on: [email protected] , Centre for Transnational Commercial Law (CTCL), National Law University, Delhi, Sector 14 Dwarka, New Delhi- 110078. INDIA.
For moot proposition, click HERE
For Rules, click HERE
For more information, click HERE