One ocean, one climate, and one future.
Eligibility Criteria
Any bonafide student or scholar in an Indian university enrolled in any UG or PG programme.
Submission Guidelines
- The introduction is up to 300 words accompanied by a brief profile of the author indicating his/ her email id, contact number and affiliation.
- The word limit for the full essay along with an introduction is 4000-5000 words (excluding footnotes) which are required to be submitted in MS word format.
- Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.5, A4 size paper with 1 margin on all sides.
- The plagiarized paper shall be summarily rejected.
- For reference and bibliography, the authors are required to follow the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th Edition.
How to Register?
Intersted authors can register through the link given at the end of the post.
- First position: Certificate of merit and cash prize worth Rs. 3,000/-
- Second position: Certificate of merit and cash prize worth Rs. 2,000/-
- The top 20 participants will receive a Certificate of Appreciation.
For More Details Click HERE