- Objective of the Course:
Alternative Dispute Resolution [ADR] is the need of hour. The objective of the Course is to provide continuing legal education to the student-participants and professionals in the subject of ADR, which may result in the policy contribution of the Country.
2. Learning Outcomes:
Comprehensive understanding of Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, and Conciliation law in India and International.
Inclusive Practical insights and familiarity with all mechanisms contained in each Paper.
Considerate the litigation management, court management, and its’ sustainability for future prospects.
3. Number of Seats:
The total number of seats for the course shall be sixty [60], While, the minimum strength of the applicants for the course shall be not be less than 20 [twenty]. However, GNLU reserves the right toalter the number of seats in the course without prior notice.
- Eligibility: Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from any recognized University in India.
- Fees: The tuition fee for the course is INR 40,000 (Forty Thousand only) including GST for the entire course, i.e. for both semesters.
- Duration of the Course:
The duration of the course shall be one year (January 2024 – December 2024). The student has to complete the course in a maximum of two years including the first year of admission. After two academic years, the admission shall be cancelled automatically.
7. Teaching Mode of the Course
The course is offered in hybrid mode [i.e. online and offline mode]. Offline classes are compulsory to attend in each semester. Teaching pedagogy is lecture, training, tutorial, discussion, etc. for the entire course covering allpapers. Classes and training programmes shall be conducted on the weekend [Friday, Saturday, and Sunday] or during weekdays but in the evening.
8. Accommodation facilities:
The course is non-residential in nature. No accommodation shall be provided by the University. However, the university may provide accommodation at the time of final examination [at the time of offline examination] and during the one-week compulsory classes to attend at the campus. This facility shall be provided on basis of availability of rooms and payment of required charges.
9. Teaching by Experts:
Each paper has been designed in order to provide an academic and practical overview. In order to maintain higher standards and to provide excellence in teaching, the course shall be taughtby in-house faculty members along with resource person[s] having practical insight and knowledge in the subject including special lecture [s] by legal luminaries.
10. Online access Library Facility:
The university shall provide an online access library login facility to each student during the course.
11. Course Structure:
The Course is divided into two semesters of 12 credits each. In each semester four papers shall be offered of 3 credits each.
In the first semester, four Papers shall be offered of 100 marks each, while in the second semester, three papers and one dissertation of 100 marks each shall be offered.
Procedure for Admission:
Last Date for Registration: 29th October 2023
Fill the admission form: Click here https://forms.gle/Bvv3vGZaLUwjoHbM9
Send the following listed documents by post or courier to the address of the Gujarat National Law University [GNLU], Gandhinagar.
Also, a list of the following documents to be sent to the University [Soft Copy] on the mail ID: [email protected]]
For More Details Click HERE